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Ignatius of Antioch — ܐܓܢܛܝܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. ca. 107, 110 ) Names: Ignatius of AntiochIgnatius the IlluminatorIgnaṭiyosIgnatius of AntiochIgnatiusʾAgnāṭīsIgnace d’AntiocheIGNACE""Bp. of , martyred in Rome.""URI:
Isaac of Nineveh — ܐܝܣܚܩ ܕܢܝܢܘܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, ) Names: Isaac of NinevehIsḥaq of NinevehIsaac of NinevehIsḥāqIsaac of NinevaIsaacʾĪsḥāqIsaac de NiniveISAACIsaac of NinevahIsaac the SyrianIsaac Ninivita""Influential monastic author.""URI:
Ishoʿyahb III of Adiabene — ܝܫܘܥܝܗܒ ܚܕܝܒܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 659) Names: Ishoʿyahb of Adiabene IIIIshoʿyahb III of AdiabeneIshoyahb III of AdiabeneIsho‘yahb III of AdiabeneIsho’yahb d’AdiabèneYeshōʿyab bar BesṭōhmagIsho‘yahb bar Bestohmag, catholicosĪšōʾyahḇ bar BesṭōmagIsho‘yahb bar Bestohmag, catholicosIsho'jahb III, Katholikos""Patr. (649-59), author, and liturgical reformer.""URI:
Thomas of Germanicea — ܬܐܘܡܐ ܕܓܪܡܐܢܝܩܝ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 542, 519 ) Names: Thomas bishop of Germanicia Tumo of GermaniceaThomas of GermaniceaTHOMASThomas of GermaniceaThomas was a miaphysite Bishop of Marʿash (ancient Germanicea) . He was in correspondence with Severus of Antioch and was banished to Egypt .URI:
John Chrysostom — ܝܘܐܢܝܣ ܟܪܘܣܘܣܛܘܡܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, ca. 347 - 407) Names: John ChrysostomJean ChrysostomeYōḥanānJohn ChrysostomYōḥanānJean ChrysostomeJohannes ChrysostomosJohannes Chrysostomos""Bp. of Constantinople (398-404).""URI:
Alexius, the Man of God — ܓܒܪܐ ܕܐܠܗܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, ) Names: Alexius the Man of GodMan of God of EdessaAlexius the Roman (the Man of God)AlexiusGabra d-ʾAlāhāgaḇrā d-ʾAlāhāAlexisRishaAlexius the Man of GodAlexius the Man of GodSt Alexis"This general title is given to the anonymous saintly protagonist of a narrative set in in the 5th cent The core original story..."URI:
Maron — ܡܪܘܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 4th cent. ) Names: MaronMaronMaronSt. MaronMarun Mar""St. Maron, a charismatic hermit who lived in the region of the .""URI:
Mary, Mother of God — ܡܪܝܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: MaryMary VirginMaryam yāldath AlāhāMary, Mother of GodMaryam yāldaṯ AlāhāMarieMarie Mère de Dieu""Mary, mother of Jesus, features prominently in all the Syriac liturgical and literary traditions.""URI:
Maximus the Confessor — ܡܟܣܝܡܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 662) Names: Maximus the ConfessorMaximusMaximus monkMaximus the ConfessorMakhsīmōsMaḵsīmōsMaxime le Confesseur""Notable Greek theologian and author.""URI:
Pseudo-Methodius(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Pseudo-MethodiusMéthodeMethodiosMethodiosURI:
Michael Badoqa — ܡܝܟܐܝܠ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 6th-7th cent. ) Names: Michael BadoqaMichael MalpanaMichael BadoqaMICHEL BADŌQAMichael magister Nisibenus""Syriac author and exegete; during Ḥenana’s tenure as its head (572-610).""URI:
Narsai — ܢܪܣܝ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. ) Names: NarsaiNarsaiNarsaïNARSAÏNarsai (Narsetes)""Poet and teacher of exegesis at the ).""URI:
Nestorius — ܢܣܛܘܪܝܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, - ) Names: NestoriusNestoriusNesṭōrīyōsNesṭōrīyōsNestorius of ConstantinopleNestorius ou Trois docteurs nestoriensNESTORIUS DE CONSTANTINOPLE""Bp. of Constantinople from 428 to 431.""URI:
Peter the Iberian — ܦܛܪܘܣ ܐܝܒܪܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, - 491, 488 ) Names: Peter the IberianPIERRE l’IbèrePierre l’IbèrePeṭrus IberāyāPeter the IberianPaṭrōs ʾĪḇerāyāPierre l’IbèrePIERRE L'IBÈRE"The son of Bosmarios king of Georgia Iberia he was brought up in Constantinople as a political hostage at the court of the..."URI:
Jacob Baradaeus — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܒܘܪܕܥܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 578) Names: Jacob BaradaeusYaʿqub BurdʿoyoJacob Mar BaradaeusJacob BurdʿoyoJacob BaradaeusYaqub BurdoyoYa‘qub Burd‘oyoJacob BurdoyoJacob Burd‘oyoJacobYaʾqōḇJacquesJacques BaradéeJACQUES BARADÉEJacobus Burde'ana (Baradaeus)""Bp. of (542–578) and missionary.""URI:
Sabrishoʿ bar Paulos — ܣܒܪܝܫܘܥ ܒܪ ܦܘܠܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, late 12th cent. ) Names: Sabrishoʿ bar PawlosSabrisho bar PaulosSabrishoʿ of MosulSabrisho bar PawlosSabrisho‘ bar PawlosSabrishōʿSawrishoSabrishoʿ bar PaulosSab(h)rîšôʿ b Paulos""Author of a hymn for Mid-Lent, preserved in the (see Gewargis Warda) and published by Cardahi.""URI:
Sauma, Rabban — ܪܒܢ ܨܘܡܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 13th cent. ) Names: Ṣawma RabbanSauma RabbanRabban SaumaṣawmāSaumaṢaumāSaumaṢawma, Rabban"Ṣawma was a monk of the Ch of E who sometime around 1275 set out from Dadu also known as Khān Bālīq i..."URI:
Shalita — ܡܪܝ ܫܠܝܛܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, ) Names: Shaliṭa MarMar ShalitaSt. ShalitaShaliṭāShalitaShallitaŠalītāShalitaŠALLĪTA""Syriac sources count Mar Shaliṭa among the traditional seventy disciples of Mar Awgen""URI:
Simeon the Stylite — ܫܡܥܘܢ ܐܣܛܘܢܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, ca. 380 - 459) Names: Simeon the StyliteShemʿun the StyliteSimon the StyliteSimeon the StyliteSimon the StyliteShemun the StyliteShem‘un the StyliteShemʿun d-EsṭōunēhSymeon the StyliteŠemʾōn d-ʾEsṭōnēhSyméon le StyliteSIMÉON LE STYLITEŠemʿôn der Stylite""Saint. Born in the village of Sisa near Nicopolis, Shemʿun was the child of Christian parents.""URI:
Peter of Kallinikos — ܦܛܪܘܣ ܏ܓ ܩܠܘܢܝܩܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 591, 2nd half of 6th cent. ) Names: Peter of KallinikosPeter of KallinikosPeter of KallinikosPeter of al-Raqqa IIIPeter of CallinicumPeṭrāPeter of CallinicusPēṭrāPierre de CalliniquePeter of KallinikosPetrus e Callinico""Syr. Orth. Patr. of , theologian, and liturgist.""URI:
Theodora, Roman empress — ܡܠܟܬܐ ܬܐܘܕܘܪܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 548) Names: Theodora (Empress)Theodora Roman empressTheodora Roman empressTheodoraTēʾōḏōrāTēʾōḏōrāThéodora""Raised as a child acrobat in the circus, Theodora married the future emperor Justinian I in 523.""URI:
Theodore of Mopsuestia — ܬܐܕܘܪܘܣ ܕܡܗܦܣܘܣܛܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, ca. 350 - 428) Names: Theodore of MopsuestiaTheodore of MopsuestiaTHÉODORE DE MOPSUETETheodoros von Mopsuestia""Bp. of Mopsuestia, biblical commentator, author of theological works and homilies.""URI:
Theodosius, patriarch of Alexandria — ܬܐܘܕܘܣܝܘܣ ܕܐܠܟܣܢܕܪܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 566, 649-657 ) Names: Theodosius patriarch of AlexandriaTheodosius of AlexandriaTheodosius Patriarch of AlexandriaTheodoreṮēʾōḏāsīyōsThéodoseTHÉODORE""Patr. of ; leader of the Egyptian and Syrian anti-Chalcedonians.""URI:
Theodotus of Amid — ܬܐܘܕܘܛܘܣ ܕܐܡܝܕܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. ) Names: Theodotos of AmidTheodotus of AmidTheodotus of AmidaTheodute of AmidaTheodotusThéodote d’AmidTHÉODOTE""Holy man and bp. His Syr. name is written with final , which has led modern scholars to read ‘Theodota’ or ‘Theodote’.""URI:
Miles, bishop of Sus — ܡܝܠܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 341, 341 ) Names: Miles bishop of Sus Miles bishop of Sus Miles of Sus aSinaySīnaySinayMĪLÉS, ÉVÈQUE DE SUSEMîles von Sûš (Susa)Mîles von Sûš (Susa)URI: