Index of Persons


Eusebius of Samosata — ܐܘܣܒܝܘܣ ܕܫܡܝܫܛ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 380) Names: Eusebius of SamosataEusebius of Samosata St.Ewsebiyōs d-shamishṭEusebiusʾEwsēbyōs da-ŠmīšāṭEusèbe de SamosateEUSÈBEEusebios of SamosataEusebius of SamosataEusebius St.Bischof Eusebios von SamosataBischof Eusebios von SamosataEusebius of SamosataBishop of Samosata, defender of Nicene orthodoxy against Arianism, and associate of the Cappadocian Fathers.URI:
Simeon bar Apollon — ܫܡܥܘܢ ܒܪ ܐܦܘܠܘܢ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Shemʿon bar ApollonSimeon bar ApollonShemon bar ApollonShem‘on bar ApollonSyméon Bar-ApollonŠemʿôn bar ApollônŠemʿôn bar ApollônURI:
John Naqar — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܢܝܩܪ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, before 9th cent. ) Names: John NaqarYuḥanon NaqarJohn of Naqar The AsceticJohn NaqarJohn Naqar""Ascetic author. Yuḥanon was a W.-Syr. (most likely Syr. Orth.) ascetic on the Holy Mountain near Edessa.""URI:
Barhatar bar Udan — ܒܪܚܛܪ ܒܪ ܐܘܕܢ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Barhatar bar UdanBarḥaṭar bar UdanBar-HatarBarḥāṭar bar Ûd(h)ānBarḥāṭar bar Ûd(h)ānURI:
Aqaq of Beroea — ܐܩܩ ܕܒܐܪܘܐܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Aqaq of BeroeaAqaq of BeroeaAkakios von AleppoBischof Akakios von AleppoURI:
Jacob — ܝܥܩܘܒ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: YaʿqobJacobYaqobYa‘qobJaʿqôb(h)Jaʿqôb(h)URI:
Ambrose of Milan — ܦܝܠܠܘܣܘܦܐ ܐܡܒܪܘܣܝܘܣ ܝܘܢܝܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 4th cent. ) Names: Ambrose of MilanAmbroseAmbrose of MilanAmbrose Greek philosopherAmbrosiosAmbrosiosThe noted bishop of Milan during the fourth century. According to Barsaum, Ambrose was cited in some Syriac legal disputes.URI:
Mara of Aggel — ܡܪܐ ܐܓܠܝܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Mara of AggelMara of AggelMàrā von AggelMàrā von AggelURI:
Maʿna of Shiraz — ܡܥܢܐ ܕܫܝܪܙ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Maʿna of ShirazMaʿna of ShirazMana of ShirazMa‘na of ShirazMaʿna of ShirazMaʿnāURI:
Babowai, catholicos — ܒܐܒܘܝ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Babowai, catholicosBabowaiBaboy St. Catholicos of the EastBaboiKatholikos Bàb(h)ôjBabojURI:
Babai — ܒܒܝ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: BabaiBabaiKatholikos Bàb(h)ajBabajURI:
Denha I, maphrian — ܕܢܚܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 659) Names: Denḥa Maphrian IDenḥa Maphryono of the East IDenha de TagritDenḥāDenha maphrian IDenhaDenḥāDenha IDENḤADenḥaURI:
Gregory of Kashkar — ܓܪܝܓܘܪ ܟܫܟܪܝܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Grigor of KashkarGregory of KashkarGregory of KashkarGrîg(h)ôr von KaškarURI:
Dadishoʿ of Mt. Izla — ܕܕܝܫܘܥ ܕܛܘܪܐ ܕܐܝܙܠܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Dadishoʿ of Mt. IzlaDadishoʿ of Mt. IzlaDadisho of Mt. IzlaDadisho‘ of Mt. IzlaDadishoʿ of Mount IzlaDàd(h)îšôʿDadisho' abbas in Monte IzlaURI:
Zinai — ܙܝܢܝ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: ZinaiZinaiZinai, disciple of StephanosZînaiURI:
Elishaʿ bar Sapnin — ܐܠܝܫܥ ܒܪ ܣܦܢܝܢ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Elishaʿ bar SapninElishaʿ bar SapninElisha bar SapninElisha‘ bar SapninElîšaʿ bar Sap(h)nînURI:
Baʿut — ܒܥܘܬ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: BaʿutBaʿutBautBa‘utBàʿût(h)Ba'ut MonachusURI:
Henanishoʿ — ܚܢܢܝܫܘܥ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: HenanishoʿḤenanishoʿḤenanishoḤenanisho‘ḤenanišoʿHenanjesusMönch ḤĕnànîšôʿHenanisho' MonachusURI:
Barhadbshabba of Hulwan — ܒܪܚܕܒܫܒܐ ܕܚܠܘܢ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Barhadbshabba of HulwanBarḥadbshabba of ḤulwānBarhadbeshabba of HalwanBarḥadbshabba of ḤalwānBischof Barḥad(h)bĕšabbā von ḤalwànBarhadbeshabba HalwanensisURI:
John — ܝܘܚܢܢ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: YuḥanonJohnJôḥannànURI:
George, the disciple of Jacob of Serugh — ܓܘܪܓܝܣ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: GewargisGeorge the disciple of Jacob of Serugh Georgios Schüler J.s v Sĕrûg(h) GeorgesGeorgiosURI:
Thomas — ܬܐܘܡܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: TumoThomasThomas of Mar BassosThomasURI:
Yanurin of Amid — ܝܐܢܘܪܝܢ ܐܡܝܕܝܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 665 ) Names: Yanurin of Amid Yanurin of Amid Yanurin of Amid Januarios KandidatosJanuarius CandidatosURI:
Aaron of Alexandria — ܐܗܪܘܢ ܕܐܠܟܣܢܕܪܝܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Ahrun of AlexandriaAaron of AlexandriaAaron of AlexandriaPriester AhrônURI:
John of Birtha — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܕܒܝܪܬܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Yuḥanon of BirthaJohn of BirthaJohn of BirtaJean de BirthaJohn (Iwannis) of BirtaBischof Iwanîs von BîrtāURI:
John the Persian — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܦܪܣܝܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: John the PersianYoḥannan the PersianJohn the PersianJohn the PersianJôḥannàn der PerserURI:
Sergius of Beth Garmai — ܣܪܓܝܣ ܕܒܝܬ ܓܪ̈ܡܝ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Sargis of Beth GarmaiSergius of Beth GarmaiSergius of Beth GarmaiSargîsURI:
Ishoʿzka — ܝܫܘܥܙܟܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: IshoʿzkaIshoʿzkaIshozkaIsho‘zkaIshozkhaΚôʿzĕk(h)āURI:
Sabrishoʿ Rustam — ܣܒܪܝܫܘܥ ܪܘܣܛܡ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Sabrishoʿ RustamSabrishoʿ RustamSabrisho RustamSabrisho‘ RustamSabrisho RostamSab(h)rîšôʿ RôsṭàmURI:
Simeon, the disciple of Mar Yozadhak — ܫܡܥܘܢ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 600-700 ) Names: Simeon the disciple of Mar YozadhakShemʿonSimonShemonShem‘onSimon the disciple of Mar YozadhakSimon Rabban Mâr the disciple of Rabbâ Mâr YôzâdhâḳSyméonSimeon the monkŠemʿônSimeon MonachusIn hagiography Simeon the disciple of Mar Yozadhak was a hagiographer and disciple of Mar Yozadaq Simon is chiefly noted as the author of...URI:
Solomon bar Garaph — ܫܠܝܡܘܢ ܒܪ ܓܪܦ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Shlemon bar GaraphSolomon bar GaraphSolomon bar GaraphŠĕlêmôn bar Gàràp(h)URI:
David of the Kartwaye — ܕܘܝܕ ܕܟܪ̈ܬܘܝܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Dawid d-KartwayeDavid of the KartwayeDavid, Bishop of the KartwayeDawîd Bischof des Kurdenstammes der KartûʾàjēURI:
Yazdpaneh of Kashkar — ܝܙܕܦܢܗ ܕܟܫܟܪ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Yazdpaneh of KashkarYazdpaneh of KashkarYazdpanah of KashkarMetropolit Jazdap(h)anàh von KaškarURI:
Severus Sebokht — ܣܐܘܝܪܐ ܣܐܒܘܟܬ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 666/7) Names: Severus SebokhtSeveros SebokhtSeverus SabukhtSeverus SebokhtSeverus SebokhtSeverus Sebokt""Scholar, astronomer, philosopher, mathematician, Bp. of Qenneshre (city south of Aleppo); or Bp. of the Monastery of Qenneshre on the east bank of the .""URI:
George of ʿElam — ܓܝܘܪܓܝܣ ܕܥܝܠܡ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Gewargis of ElamGeorge of ʿElamGeorge of ElamMetropolit Gîwargîs von ElamURI:
George of Nisibis — ܓܝܘܪܓܝܣ ܕܢܨܝܒܝܢ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Gewargis of NisibisGeorge of NisibisGeorge of NisibisMetropolit Gîwargîs von NisibisGeorgius (Giwargis) ep. NisibisURI:
Simeon the Persecuted — ܫܡܥܘܢ ܪܕܝܦܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Shemʿon the PersecutedSimeon the PersecutedSimon the PersecutedShemon the PersecutedShem‘on the PersecutedŠemʿon “der Verfolgte”URI:
Sabrishoʿ of Nisibis — ܣܒܪܝܫܘܥ ܕܢܨܝܒܝܢ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Sabrishoʿ of NisibisSabrishoʿ of NisibisSabrisho of NisibisSabrisho‘ of NisibisSabrišoʿ of NisibisMetropolit Sab(h)rîšôʿ von NisibisSabrisho' ep. NisibisURI:
Gabriel Raqoda — ܓܒܪܝܠ ܪܩܘܕܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Gabriel RaqodaGabriel RaqodaGabriel the DancerGabriel Raqqôd(h)āURI:
Babai of Gbilta — ܒܒܝ ܕܓܒܝܠܬܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Babai of GbiltaBabai of GbiltaBabai of GebiltaBabai of GbiltaBàb(h)ai aus Gĕb(h)îltāBabaj e Gebilta in TirhanURI:
Pethion — ܦܬܝܘܢ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 8th cent.-9th cent.? ) Names: PethionPethionPeṯyūnPethyunPēthyunPethiōnPet(h)jônPet(h)jônAuthor of an ecclesiastical history whose accounts regarding Christian physicians were cited by Elijah of Nisibis .URI:
Gabriel Tawrta — ܓܒܪܝܠ ܬܘܪܬܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Gabriel TawrtaGabriel TawrtaGabriel TauretaGabriel TawrtaGabriel Taurĕt(h)āGabriel TauretaURI:
John of Apamea — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܕܐܘܦܡܝܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor) Names: Yoḥannan of ApameaJohn of ApameaJohn of Apamea (2)Jôḥannàn von ApameiaURI:
Aaron of Serugh — ܐܗܪܘܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 337) Names: Ahrūn of SerughAaron of SerughAaron of SerugʾAhrōnAaron de SarougAARON DE SAROUGAaron of Serugh was a disciple of Mar Awgin and founder of two monasteries near Melitene .URI:
Abai(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 335-385 ) Names: AbaiĀBĀÏIn hagiography Abai was a Persian Martyr killed by his father Adorpirozgerd who later converted to Christianity He was mentioned in the legend of...URI:
Aba of Nineveh — ܐܒܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 585-590 ) Names: Abā, Bishop of NinevahAba of NinevehAbaĀBĀIAbā was a Bishop of Nineveh who was martyred under shah Shapur II.URI:
Abai of Hah(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 400-500 ) Names: Abai of HahAbai of HahĀBĀÏ DE ḤĀḤ ĀBĀİ de ḤĀḤIn hagiography Abai of Ḥaḥ was a monk miracle worker and disciple of Simeon of Qartmin He became abbot of Qartmin and helped to...URI:
ʿAbda(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ʿAbdaABDAIn hagiography: ʿAbda was a bishop of Edessa .URI:
ʿAbda — ܥܒܕܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 420) Names: ʿAbdāʿAbdaʿAḇdāAbdaABDA ('AWDA),Mar AbdaʿAbdā was Bishop of Hormizd Ardashir who was martyred during the reign of Yazdegerd I with Afrēm Jacob Papa another Papa Daduq and Durtan...URI:
Ephrem the Scribe — ܐܦܪܝܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 420) Names: AfrēmEphrem the ScribeAbdaʾAfrēmÉphremABDA ('AWDA),Afrēm was a Persian Martyr and scribe martyred under shah Yazdegerd with companions 'Abda , Jacob, Papa the deacon, Daduq and Durtan the learned.URI:
ʿAbda — ܥܒܕܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 376) Names: ʿAbdāʿAbdaAbda ('Awda), 'Awdisho' de KaskarʿAḇdāAbdaABDA ('AWDA), 'AWDİŜO'ʿAbdā Alaha priest was tortured with ʿAbdishōʿ by Ardashir brother of Sapor ʿAbdā was arrested with seven friends and seven virgins Barḥaḏbshabā and Samuel...URI:
ʿAbdishoʿ — ܥܒܕܝܫܘܥ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 376) Names: ʿAbdishōʿʿAbdishoʿAbda ('Awda), 'Awdisho' de KaskarʿAḇdīšōʿAbdishoABDA ('AWDA), 'AWDİŜO'ʿAbdishōʿ of Kashkar was tortured with the priest ʿAbdā Alaha by Ardashir brother of Sapor ʿAbdā was arrested with seven friends and seven virgins...URI:
ʿAbdachisia(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ʿAbdachisiaABDACHISIAIn hagiography: ʿAbdachisia was a martyr from Aphrodisias in Caria .URI:
ʿAbdelmasih — ܥܒܕܐܠܡܣܝܚ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 390) Names: ʿAbdelmasiḥʿAbdelmasihAbd al-MasihʾAbdelmasīḥAbdalmasihABD AL-MASİḤ ('ABDA, CHRISTODULE)ʿAbdelmasiḥ was a Jewish shepherd boy formally known as Aser who lived near Sinjar in the Persian Empire He converted to Christianity and pierced...URI:
ʿAbdon(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 297) Names: ʿAbdonʿAbdonABDON et SENNENIn hagiography In hagiography ʿAbdon and Sennen were two Persian twins martyred in Rome Their story was contained in the martyrology of Bishop Polychrone...URI:
Abel(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 500 ) Names: AbelABELIn hagiography Abel was the first stylite saint of the monastery of Qartmin and was a patron against eye disease and paralysis According to...URI:
Abhai — ܐܒܚܝ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 400-500 ) Names: AbḥayAbhaiʾAḇḥayAbhaïABḤAÏAbḥay features in John of Ephesus Lives of the Eastern Saints He was an ascetic who was ordained Bishop of Nicaea and later became...URI:
Abimelech(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 552-581 ) Names: AbimelechABIMELECHIn hagiography: Abimelech was a theologian of the School of Balad who became founder of the martyrion , a secondary institution of the School of Nisibis .URI:
Abraham(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AbrahamABRAHAMIn hagiography: Abraham is a monk of undertmined origins, possibly from the convent of Beth ʿArbin .URI:
Abraham, bishop of Arbela — ܐܒܪܗܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 345) Names: AbrahamAbraham, bishop of ArbelaʾAḇrāhāmAbraham, évêque d’ArbèlesABRAHAMAbraham was a Bishop of Arbela who was martyred under Shapur II.URI:
Abraham of the High Mountain — ܐܒܪܗܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 399) Names: AbrahamAbraham of the High MountainʾAḇrāhāmAbraham de la Haute MontagneABRAHAMAbraham of High MountainAbraham was a famous monk and miracle worker of the monastery of the High Mountain north of Mount Izla and he was the teacher...URI: