Index of Persons


Anonymous 3738 Names: Anonymous 3738An archimandrite of Qalʿat Simʿān""The archimandrite of Qalʿat Simʿān during the episcopacy of Severus of Antioch and recipient of a letter from Severus""URI:
Anonymous 3739 Names: Anonymous 3739The wife of Calliopius""The wife of Calliopius and a correspondent of Severus of Antioch""URI:
Anonymous 3740 Names: Anonymous 3740A deposed priest in Apamea"A priest in Apamea who had been deprived of his clerical office the subject of a letter of Severus of Antioch to Eutychian..."URI:
Anonymi 3741 Names: Anonymi 3741Certain clergy of Antaradus""The clergy of Antaradus sometime between 513 and 518; correspondents of Severus of Antioch""URI:
Anonymous 3742 Names: Anonymous 3742The bishop of Antardus""The bishop of Antardus who removed the deacon Leontius from the sacred tables but allowed him to continue ministering""URI:
Anonymi 3744 Names: Anonymi 3744Certain Jewish people who sold a Christian slave""Certain Jewish people who sold a Christian slave""URI:
Anonymous 3745 Names: Anonymous 3745An enslaved man""An enslaved man sold by Anonymi 3744""URI:
Anonymi 3746 Names: Anonymi 3746Certain clergy under Stephen""The clergy under Stephen whom he sent after the bishops who fled Isauria in the face of Chalcedonian persecution""URI:
Anonymous 3747 Names: Anonymous 3747A boy siezed with a severe illness""A boy siezed with a severe illness""URI:
Anonymous 3748 Names: Anonymous 3748The deacon who baptized Anonymous 3747""The deacon who baptized Anonymous 3747""URI:
Anonymous 3749 Names: Anonymous 3749A boy who could not make a profession of faith before baptism""A boy who could not make a profession of faith before baptism""URI:
George, bishop of al-Bsheriyyeh — ܓܘܪܓܝܣ ܒܪ ܐܒܪܗܡ ܥܒܕܐܠܢܘܪ ܚܠܒܝܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 1748) Names: Baselios GewargisGeorge son of Abraham ‛Abd al-Nur of AleppoBasilios GewargisGeorge, bishop of al-Bsheriyyeh""Scribe and bp. of al-Bsheriyyeh (1707-48).""URI:
Anonymi 3750 Names: Anonymi 3750Certain recipients of a letter from Severus""Recipients of a letter from Severus of Antioch, the incipit of which is no longer extant""URI:
Anonymous 3751 Names: Anonymous 3751A correspondent of Severus of Antioch""Recipient of a letter from Severus of Antioch""URI:
Anonymi 3752 Names: Anonymi 3752Certain sisters in the monastery headed by Heracliana""Sisters in the monastery headed by Heracliana who were involved in a conflict between Heracliana and Anonymous 3751""URI:
Anonymi 3753 Names: Anonymi 3753Certain non-Chalcedonian clergy of Emesa""The non-Chalcedonian clergy of Emesa who received a letter from Severus of Antioch sometime between 519-520""URI:
Anonymous 3754 Names: Anonymous 3754A boy who died""A dead boy whom Isaiah tried to resurrect""URI:
Anonymous 3755 Names: Anonymous 3755The father of Anonymous 3754""The father of Anonymous 3754""URI:
Anonymi 3756 Names: Anonymi 3756The sons of Eusebius the Count""The sons of Eusebius the Count""URI:
Anonymi 3757 Names: Anonymi 3757Certain bishops of the East""The bishops of the East who ordained Flavian I of Antioch""URI:
Anonymous 3758 Names: Anonymous 3758The mother of Abba Poemen""The mother of Abba Poemen""URI:
Anonymous 3759 Names: Anonymous 3759A monk""A fellow monastic along with Isidora""URI:
Basil of Caesarea — ܒܣܝܠܠܝܘܣ ܕܩܣܪܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, ca. 330 - 379) Names: Basil of CaesareaBasile le GrandBāsīlīyōsBasil of CaesareaBāsīlīsBāsīlīyōsBasileBasileiosBasileios""Bp. of and Greek author.""URI:
Anonymous 3760 Names: Anonymous 3760A monk, the brother of James""A monk, the brother of James, both of whom are commemorated by John of Ephesus in the life "Two Monks"""URI:
Anonymous 3761 Names: Anonymous 3761A woman possessed by demons""A woman possessed by demons in order to tempt James""URI:
Anonymous 3762 Names: Anonymous 3762A monk commemorated by John of Ephesus""A monk commemorated by John of Ephesus in the life "A Monk"""URI:
Habib - ܚܒܝܒ Names: Habib""A saint commemorated by John of Ephesus""URI:
Anonymous 3764 Names: Anonymous 3764An older kinsman of Harfat""An older kinsman of Harfat""URI:
Anonymi 3765 Names: Anonymi 3765Certain enslaved men and women""The enslaved men and women on the estate owned by Anonymous 3764 and Harfat.""URI:
Anonymi 3766 Names: Anonymi 3766Certain hired servants""The hired servants on the estate owned by Anonymous 3764 and Harfat.""URI:
Anonymous 3767 Names: Anonymous 3767A believing lady who assisted Harfat""A believing lady who assisted Harfat""URI:
Anonymous 3768 Names: Anonymous 3768A chamberlain of the Empress Theodora""A chamberlain of the Empress Theodora""URI:
Anonymous 3769 Names: Anonymous 3769A chamberlain of the Empress Theodora""A chamberlain of the Empress Theodora""URI:
Baumstark, Anton — ܐܢܛܘܢ ܒܐܘܡܫܬܪܟ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 1872 - 1948) Names: Baumstark AntonBaumstark AntonBaumstark Anton""Syriac scholar and linguist.""URI:
Vigilantia Names: VigilantiaVigilantia""The sister of Justinian and mother of Justin II""URI:
Anonymi 3771 Names: Anonymi 3771Certain non-Chalcedonians in Constantinople""The holy community of non-Chalcedonians that the Empress Theodora gathered together in Constantinople""URI:
Anonymous 3772 Names: Anonymous 3772A monk and disciple of Zacharias""A monk and disciple of Zacharias""URI:
Anonymous 3773 Names: Anonymous 3773A monk and the subject of a letter of Severus""The subject of a letter of Severus of Antioch. He was accused of abandoning his wife and children to enter a monastery.""URI:
Anonymous 3774 Names: Anonymous 3774The daughter of Conon the silentiary""The daughter of Conon the silentiary""URI:
Anonymous 3775 Names: Anonymous 3775The wife of Alypius""The wife of Alypius""URI:
Anonymous 3776 Names: Anonymous 3776The wife of Theodore""The wife of Theodore the tribune and notary""URI:
Anonymous 3777 Names: Anonymous 3777The wife of the comes John""The wife of the comes John""URI:
Anonymous 3778 Names: Anonymous 3778The bishop of Arca""The bishop of Arca""URI:
Zoninus - ܙܘܢܝܢܘܣ Names: Zoninus""Mentioned in a letter of Severus of Antioch""URI:
Beck, Edmund(A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 1902 - 1991) Names: Beck EdmundBeck Edmund""Syriac scholar and monk of the Benedictine Abbey of Metten (Germany).""URI:
Anonymous 3780 Names: Anonymous 3780Someone denounced by Severus""Someone denounced by Severus of Antioch for performing uncanonical ordinations""URI:
Anonymous 3781 Names: Anonymous 3781A bishop of Scythopolis""A bishop of Scythopolis denounced by Severus of Antioch""URI:
Anonymous 3782 Names: Anonymous 3782A kinsman of Marinus""A kinsman of Marinus. Severus recommended that Stephen of Apamea make his a deacon.""URI:
Anonymous 3783 Names: Anonymous 3783An enslaved man""An enslaved man""URI:
Anonymous 3784 Names: Anonymous 3784An Ethiopian monk""An Ethiopian monk from the monastery of Romanus""URI:
Anonymous 3785 Names: Anonymous 3785The spouse of Oecumenius""The spouse of Oecumenius""URI:
Anonymi 3786 Names: Anonymi 3786Certain presbyters of Alexandria""Presbyters of Alexandria who criticized Severus of Antioch""URI:
Anonymous 3787 Names: Anonymous 3787The daughter of Georgia""The daughter of Georgia""URI:
Zacharias - ܙܟܪܝܐ Names: Zacharias""Recipient of a letter from Severus of Antioch""URI:
Basil - ܒܣܝܠܝܘܣ Names: Basil""Carrier of a letter between Solon and Severus""URI:
Bedjan, Paul — ܦܘܠܘܣ ܒܝܓܢ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 1838 - 1920) Names: Bedjan PaulBedjan PaulBedjan Paul""Missionary and scholar.""URI:
Anonymous 3790 Names: Anonymous 3790Comes OrientisAnonymous 52""Comes Orientis sometime between 513-518""URI:
Bello, Estipan(A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 1910 - 1989) Names: Bello EstipanBello Estipān"He was born in Alqosh of Jūnā Mīkhā Ballo and Teresa Mīkhā Sāko and given the baptismal name ʿAbd al Aḥad he is..."URI:
John Rufus — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܪܘܦܘܣ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, ca. 475 ) Names: John RufusJohn RufusJohn Rufus the Antiochian bishop of MayomaJohn RufusJoannes Ruphos"Also known as John of Beth Ruphina and John of Maiuma An anti Chalcedonian presbyter monk and hagiographer of the 5th and 6th..."URI:
Beulay, Robert(A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 1927 - 2007) Names: Beulay RobertBeulay Robert""Carmelite priest, scholar of the Ch. of E. and of E.-Syr. mysticism.""URI:
Bidary, Paul(A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 1887/1890 - 1974) Names: Bidāry PawlosBidary Paul""He as born in Bidār near Zakho, and joined the Seminary of St. John in in 1900.""URI:
Bidawid, Raphael I(A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 1922 - 2003) Names: Bidawid Raphael IBidawid Raphael I""Patr. from 1989-2003 and scholar.""URI:
Joshua the Stylite — ܝܫܘܥ ܐܣܛܘܢܪܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, after 506 ) Names: Yeshuʿ the StyliteJoshua the Stylite The PriestJoshua the StyliteJoshua the StyliteYeshu the StyliteYeshu‘ the Stylite"The historical person mentioned in the note inserted into the Chronicle of Zuqnin not necessarily the author of the Chronicle of Ps Joshua the..."URI: