Index of Persons


Anonymi 3037 — Clergy accused of holding the opinions of Nestorius and unlawfully ordaining clergy soemtime between A.D. 513-518 Names: Anonymi 3037Clergy accused of holding the opinions of Nestorius and unlawfully ordaining clergy soemtime between A.D. 513-518URI:
Anonymi 3038 — The subdeacons under Castor of Perga who petitioned Severus sometime between A.D,.513-518 Names: Anonymi 3038The subdeacons under Castor of Perga who petitioned Severus sometime between A.D,.513-518URI:
Anonymi 3039 — The readers under Castor of Perga sometime between A.D. 513-518 Names: Anonymi 3039The readers under Castor of Perga sometime between A.D. 513-518URI:
Faʾiq, Naʿʿum — ܢܥܘܡ ܦܐܝܩ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, ca. 1868 - 1930) Names: Faʾiq NaʿʿumFāʾiq NaʿʿūmFāʾiq NaʿʿumNa‛‛um Fa'iq DeaconNaoum Elias PalakFāʾiq NaūmFāʾiq Na‘‘ūmFāʾiq NaūmFāʾiq Na’’ūmNaʿum Fa'yeq"He was born in Diyarbakir Amid to Elias Jacob Palak and Saydeh Safar and was given the baptismal name Naʿʿūm he gave himself..."URI:
Anonymi 3040 — The singers under Castor of Perga sometime between A.D. 513-518 Names: Anonymi 3040The singers under Castor of Perga sometime between A.D. 513-518URI:
Anonymi 3041 — Certain persons who ceaselessly sought ordination from Severus sometime between A.D. 513-518 Names: Anonymi 3041Certain persons who ceaselessly sought ordination from Severus sometime between A.D. 513-518URI:
Anonymous 3042 — The archimandrite of the monastery of Bassus and recipient of a letter from Severus of Antioch sometime between A.D. 514-518 Names: Anonymous 3042The archimandrite of the monastery of Bassus and recipient of a letter from Severus of Antioch sometime between A.D. 514-518URI:
Anonymi 3043 — The bishops present in Antioch for a synod of eastern bishops Names: Anonymi 3043The bishops present in Antioch for a synod of eastern bishopsURI:
Anonymi 3044 — The zealous brothers who urged Severus to reconcile with Cosmas Names: Anonymi 3044The zealous brothers who urged Severus to reconcile with CosmasURI:
Anonymi 3045 — Those involved in a dispute with the presbyters Cosmas, Polyeuctus, and Zeno Names: Anonymi 3045Those involved in a dispute with the presbyters Cosmas, Polyeuctus, and ZenoURI:
Anonymi 3046 — A group of clergy in Flavias who brought charges against their bishop Procopius Names: Anonymi 3046A group of clergy in Flavias who brought charges against their bishop ProcopiusURI:
Anonymi 3047 — The bishops of Cappadocia who attended a Council in Cappadocia Secunda led by Soteric Names: Anonymi 3047The bishops of Cappadocia who attended a Council in Cappadocia Secunda led by SotericURI:
Anonymi 3048 — The bishops of Pontus who attended a Council in Cappadocia Secunda led by Soteric Names: Anonymi 3048The bishops of Pontus who attended a Council in Cappadocia Secunda led by SotericURI:
Anonymi 3049 — The bishops of Galatia who attended a Council in Cappadocia Secunda led by Soteric Names: Anonymi 3049The bishops of Galatia who attended a Council in Cappadocia Secunda led by SotericURI:
Saka, Jacob — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܣܐܟܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 1864/5 - 1931) Names: Saka YaʿqubSaka Ya‛qub The PriestSaka JacobSaka YaqubSaka Ya‘qubSaka, Yaʿqub""Minor writer, scribe, and educator.""URI:
Anonymi 3050 — A group of clergy making accusations against Procopius, Bishop of Flavias Names: Anonymi 3050A group of clergy making accusations against Procopius, Bishop of FlaviasURI:
Anonymi 3051 — Those attending the synod at Commanus in Armenia Names: Anonymi 3051Those attending the synod at Commanus in ArmeniaURI:
Anonymi 3052 — The bishops attending the Council of Cappadocia Secunda Names: Anonymi 3052The bishops attending the Council of Cappadocia SecundaURI:
Anonymi 3053 — The fathers who received a letter from Severus delivered via the monastery at Aphthoria Names: Anonymi 3053The fathers who received a letter from Severus delivered via the monastery at AphthoriaURI:
Anonymi 3054 — Advisors of Simeon of Chalcis who managed his affairs Names: Anonymi 3054Advisors of Simeon of Chalcis who managed his affairsURI:
Anonymi 3055 — Persons ordained by Antoninus under questionable circumstances Names: Anonymi 3055Persons ordained by Antoninus under questionable circumstancesURI:
Anonymous 3056 — A lieutenant of Hypatius, a patrician, and a recipient of a letter from Antoninus of Berrhoea Names: Anonymous 3056A lieutenant of Hypatius, a patrician, and a recipient of a letter from Antoninus of BerrhoeaURI:
Anonymous 3057 — A monk and presbyter during the time of the Arians who left the desert to oppose the Arians Names: Anonymous 3057A monk and presbyter during the time of the Arians who left the desert to oppose the AriansURI:
Anonymous 3058 — A monk and presbyter during the time of the Arians who was attacked by demons because he remained in the desert instead of opposing the Arians Names: Anonymous 3058A monk and presbyter during the time of the Arians who was attacked by demons because he remained in the desert instead of opposing the AriansURI:
Anonymi 3059 — Jews in the diocese of Berrhoea whom Antoninis accused of an unspecified wrong against Christ Names: Anonymi 3059Jews in the diocese of Berrhoea whom Antoninis accused of an unspecified wrong against ChristURI:
Aba I, catholicos — ܐܒܐ ܩܕܡܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 552, 540-552 ) Names: Aba IMar Aba IAbā I, Catholicos Aba, CatholicosAba I, catholicosʾAḇāAba, catholicosĀBĀ (ĀWĀ)Mar Aba I, Katholikos""Teacher of biblical interpretation, author, Cath. (540-52).""URI:
Anonymi 3060 — The oeconomi or stewards of the church of Antioch under Severus Names: Anonymi 3060The oeconomi or stewards of the church of Antioch under SeverusURI:
Anonymi 3061 — The ecclesiastical managers of the church of Antioch under Severus Names: Anonymi 3061The ecclesiastical managers of the church of Antioch under SeverusURI:
Anonymi 3062 — The clergy of Rhosus who submitted a petition to Severus Names: Anonymi 3062The clergy of Rhosus who submitted a petition to SeverusURI:
Anonymi 3063 — Residents of Rhosus who submitted a petition to Severus Names: Anonymi 3063Residents of Rhosus who submitted a petition to SeverusURI:
Anonymous 3064 — A nominee for bishop of Rhosus Names: Anonymous 3064A nominee for bishop of RhosusURI:
Anonymi 3065 — Clergy of a monastery under the authority of Paul of Olba Names: Anonymi 3065Clergy of a monastery under the authority of Paul of OlbaURI:
Anonymi 3066 — Bishops under the metropolis of Apamea in A.D. 515 Names: Anonymi 3066Bishops under the metropolis of Apamea in A.D. 515URI:
Anonymi 3067 — The heads of monasteries in Syria Secunda who urged their bishops to oppose Severus Names: Anonymi 3067The heads of monasteries in Syria Secunda who urged their bishops to oppose SeverusURI:
Anonymous 3068 — The bishop of Epiphania in A.D. 515 Names: Anonymous 3068The bishop of Epiphania in A.D. 515URI:
Anonymous 3069 — The bishop of Arethusa in A.D. 515 Names: Anonymous 3069The bishop of Arethusa in A.D. 515URI:
Aba II of Kashkar — ܐܒܐ ܒܪ ܒܪܝܟ ܨܒܝܢܗ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 641 - 751) Names: Aba of Kashkar IIMar Aba IIAba II of KashkarMàr(j) Àb(h)ā II.Mar Aba II KatholikosAba bar Brik Ṣebyaneh""Scholar, Bp. of , and Cath. (741-751).""URI:
Anonymous 3070 — The bishop of Rhaphania in A.D. 515 Names: Anonymous 3070The bishop of Rhaphania in A.D. 515URI:
Anonymi 3071 — The bishops of Syria Secunda condemned by Severus at a council in Antioch in A.D. 515 Names: Anonymi 3071The bishops of Syria Secunda condemned by Severus at a council in Antioch in A.D. 515URI:
Anonymi 3072 — The bishops who assembled in Antioch in A.D, 515 and condemned the bishops of Syria Secunda Names: Anonymi 3072The bishops who assembled in Antioch in A.D, 515 and condemned the bishops of Syria SecundaURI:
Anonymous 3073 — A presbyter in the fillage of Pessinus who was possessed by a demon sometime between A.D. 513-515 Names: Anonymous 3073A presbyter in the fillage of Pessinus who was possessed by a demon sometime between A.D. 513-515URI:
Anonymi 3074 — Those ordained by Hilarian but prohibited from ministry until Severus could confirm their ordination Names: Anonymi 3074Those ordained by Hilarian but prohibited from ministry until Severus could confirm their ordinationURI:
Anonymi 3075 — The prominent men of Antioch who petitioned Severus to allow Romulus to conduct prayers in Antioch Names: Anonymi 3075The prominent men of Antioch who petitioned Severus to allow Romulus to conduct prayers in AntiochURI:
Anonymi 3076 — The poets who also served as clergy in Antioch Names: Anonymi 3076The poets who also served as clergy in AntiochURI:
Anonymi 3077 — The monks of the monastery of Isaac who received a letter from Severus Names: Anonymi 3077The monks of the monastery of Isaac who received a letter from SeverusURI:
Anonymi 3078 — The magistrates who passed judgment on Antipater Names: Anonymi 3078The magistrates who passed judgment on AntipaterURI:
Anonymi 3079 — The inhabitants of Anasartha who proposed episcopal candidates to Severus Names: Anonymi 3079The inhabitants of Anasartha who proposed episcopal candidates to SeverusURI:
Aba — ܐܒܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, ca. 400 ) Names: AbaAbaAbaMar AbaÀb(h)ā""Disciple of , author, and biblical commentator.""URI:
Anonymi 3080 — The clergy of Apamea following the death of the bishop Isaac in A.D. 513 Names: Anonymi 3080The clergy of Apamea following the death of the bishop Isaac in A.D. 513URI:
Anonymi 3081 — The men unlawfully given stewardship of the church property of Apamea after the death of the bishop Isaac in A.D. 513 Names: Anonymi 3081The men unlawfully given stewardship of the church property of Apamea after the death of the bishop Isaac in A.D. 513URI:
Anonymous 3082 — The rhetor of Greece Names: Anonymous 3082The rhetor of GreeceURI:
Anonymous 3083 — The man given stewardship of the church property of Apamea after the death of Isaac in A.D. 513 Names: Anonymous 3083The man given stewardship of the church property of Apamea after the death of Isaac in A.D. 513URI:
Anonymi 3084 — The bishops of Phoenice who received a letter from Severus Names: Anonymi 3084The bishops of Phoenice who received a letter from SeverusURI:
Anonymi 3085 — The devout subdeacons of Alexandria Minor who petitioned Severus Names: Anonymi 3085The devout subdeacons of Alexandria Minor who petitioned SeverusURI:
Anonymi 3086 — The soldiers who forced the bishop of Pompeiupolis to perform ordinations Names: Anonymi 3086The soldiers who forced the bishop of Pompeiupolis to perform ordinationsURI:
Anonymous 3087 — The man whom soldiers forced the bishop of Pompeiupolis to ordain Names: Anonymous 3087The man whom soldiers forced the bishop of Pompeiupolis to ordainURI:
Anonymi 3088 — The bishops who attended the Council of Neocaesarea Names: Anonymi 3088The bishops who attended the Council of NeocaesareaURI:
Anonymi 3089 — The bishops who attended the Council of Nicaea Names: Anonymi 3089The bishops who attended the Council of NicaeaURI:
ʿAbdishoʿ bar Bahriz — ܥܒܕܝܫܘܥ ܒܪ ܒܗܪܝܙ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, first quarter of 9th cent. ) Names: ʿAbdishoʿ bar BahrīzAbdisho bar BahrizIbn BahrizAbdisho bar Bahrīz‘Abdisho‘ bar BahrīzʿAbdishoʿ bar Bahriz""Logician, theologian, legal scholar, translator, and metropolitan, first of .""URI:
Anonymous 3090 — A reader in the church of Antioch who delivered a message to the bishops of Syria Secunda Names: Anonymous 3090A reader in the church of Antioch who delivered a message to the bishops of Syria SecundaURI:
Anonymi 3091 — Those who brought charges against Libanius for demanding interest from fellow clergy in Apamea Names: Anonymi 3091Those who brought charges against Libanius for demanding interest from fellow clergy in ApameaURI:
Anonymous 3092 — The devout monk who was removed from the monastery of ʿAkiba by the bishop Simeon Names: Anonymous 3092The devout monk who was removed from the monastery of ʿAkiba by the bishop SimeonURI:
Anonymous 3093 — The chorepiscopus and periodeutes in the village of Thelhadin Names: Anonymous 3093The chorepiscopus and periodeutes in the village of ThelhadinURI: