Index of Persons


Jacob the Cut-Up — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܡܦܣܩܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 399-421 ) Names: Yaʿqōb MpasqāJacob the Cut-UpYaʾqōḇ MpasqāJacques l’IntercisJACQUES L'INTERCISSt Jacob the Cut-UpJacob the cut up was a noble Persian from the Royal City of Beth Lapaṭ He became a Christian but he later abjured his...URI:
Jacob the Notary — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܢܘܛܪܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 422) Names: Yaʿqōb NoṭaroJacob the NotaryYaʾqōḇ nōṭārāJacques le notaireJACQUES LE NOTAIREJacob the notary was of Greek origin but he became the secretary for the Persian shah He was forced into hard labor for refusing...URI:
Jacob the Reclus(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Jacob the ReclusJACQUES LE RECLUSIn hagiography: This Jacob the Recluse is mentioned as the founder of a monastery in Siirt together with Mar Hwisa at an unknown date.URI:
Jacob the Recluse — ܝܥܩܘܒ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 421) Names: YaʿqōbJacob the RecluseJacob the ReclusYaʾqōḇJacques le ReclusJacques le Reclus (de Salah)JACQUES LE RECLUSSt Jacob the RecluseJacob the Recluse fled for the desert of Egypt during the persecution of the emperor Julian He then headed to East to Mesopotamia with...URI:
Jacob — ܝܥܩܘܒ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 371) Names: YaʿqōbJacobJacob and AzadYaʿqōbJacquesJACQUES ET ĀZĀDJacob was a Priest of Beth Naggare near Adiabene who was martyred with the deacon Azad during the persecution of Shapur II The executioner...URI:
Jacob the Priest — ܝܥܩܘܒ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 347) Names: YaʿqōbJacob the PriestYaʾqōḇJacquesJACQUES Jacob the priest and his sister Mary were martyrs from the village of Tell Salila during the reign of Shapur Mary was martyred at...URI:
John the Doctor(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: John the DoctorJEANIn hagiography: John was a Syriac doctor.URI:
John the Son of the Carpenters(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: John the Son of the CarpentersJEAN, FILS DES MENUISIERSIn hagiography John the son of a joiner was a Persian Martyr who was killed by his own father John was tortured with various...URI:
John III the Philosopher(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 718-729 ) Names: John III the PhilosopherJEANIn hagiography: John III (Hovhannes) of Odzoun was commemorated as a philosopher and Armenian catholicos.URI:
John bar ʿAbdun(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 1033, 1004-1033 ) Names: John bar ʿAbdunJEAN BĀR 'ABDŪNIn hagiography John Bar ʿAbdun was Patriarch of the Syrian Orthodox church and he had a life fraught with difficulty He was accused of...URI:
John the Arab(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 300-400 ) Names: John the ArabJean l’Arabe (Tayoyo)JEAN L'ARABEIn hagiography John the Arab was a monk who originally was from a rich family in Ḥirta He studied at Nisibis went to Mount...URI:
John the Almsgiver — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܡܪܚܡܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 619) Names: Yuḥanān MraḥmānāJohn the AlmsgiverYōḥanān mraḥmānāJean l’Aumônier (résumé)Jean l’Aumônier, év. d’AlexandrieJEAN L'AUMÔNIERJohn the Almsgiver was a Melkite patriarch of Alexandria who was celebrated for his generosity to the poor His life was also translated into...URI:
John the Blue(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 714, 650-714 ) Names: John the BlueJEAN LE BLEUIn hagiography: John the Blue was the bishop of Ḥirta . He was also known as the young man from Ḥirta .URI:
John Busnaya(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: John BusnayaJEAN BŪSNĀYAIn hagiography there is mention of a monastery near Qaraqosh named after this John Busnaya.URI:
John the Egyptian(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: John the EgyptianJohn the MournerJean l’Égyptien, disciple de saint EugèneJEAN L'EGYPTIENIn hagiography John the Egyptian or the mourner was the student and compatriot of Mar Awgin He lived as a solitary on Mount Qardu...URI:
John the Camel-Driver(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 700-800 ) Names: John the Camel-DriverJEAN L'ÉVÊQUE CHAMELIERIn hagiography John the Camel Driver was commemorated in Thomas of Marga s Book of Governors In this account Maran Zha bishop of Ḥadita...URI:
John of Harran(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 518 ) Names: John of HarranJEAN DE ḤARRĀNIn hagiography: John of Ḥarran was commemorated as one of fifty miaphysite bishops exiled under Justin I in 518.URI:
John of Kafar Sania(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 311) Names: John of Kafar SaniaJean de Kfar SanyaJEAN DE KAFAR SANIAIn hagiography: According to Barsoum , this martyr, John of Kafar Sania , died under Maximinus Hercules .URI:
John of Kamul(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 343 ) Names: John of KamulJEAN DE KAMŪLIn hagiography John of Kamul was born to a pagan family from a royal Sasanian line He was converted and tried to convince Shapur...URI:
John of Kashkar(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 421-458 ) Names: John of KashkarJEAN DE KAŠKARIn hagiography: John of Kashkar was born in the region of Kashkar . After a series of abductions, he returned to the monastery of ʿAyn Deqla .URI:
John of Kfone(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: John of KfoneJohn of KephennaJean de KephennaJEAN DE KFŌNÉIn hagiography John of Kfone al Kfani was a disciple of Mar Awgin The monastery of this monk was found south of Zaz in...URI:
John Psaltes(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 420) Names: John PsaltesJEAN PSALTÉSIn hagiography John Psaltes was mentioned in the Life of Rabban Samuel of Qartmin A vision revealed to him the presence of relics in...URI:
John of Qartmin(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 1000 ) Names: John of QartminJEAN DE QARTMĪNIn hagiography: John of Qartmin or John of Beth Sbirino was a noted paleograph who reestablished the use of estrangelo writing.URI:
John the Nazarite — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܢܙܝܪܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 500-600 ) Names: Yuḥanān NzirāJohn the NazariteJohn the SolitaireYōḥanān nzīrāJean le NaziréenJEAN LE SOLITAIREJohn the solitary was a monk of Ṭur ʿAbdin He might be John the perfect Nazarite whom John of Ephesus mentions He was a...URI:
John of Edessa — ܝܘܚܢܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 418-435 ) Names: John of EdessaJohn, the priestJEAN D'EDESSEYōḥanānJean le prêtreIn hagiography John of Edessa was a priest from Edessa who nourished 12 holy men in a cave He became friends with Paul of...URI:
Jacob of Adiabene — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܛܢܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 344) Names: Yaʿqub ṭanānāJacob of AdiabeneJohn and JacobYaʿqōḇ ṭanānāJacques le Zélote (d’Adiabène)JEAN ET JACQUESJacob, the zealot priest, was arrested with Yuḥanān bar Maryam (John), Bishop of Arbela , during the time of Shapur. They were decapitated at Beth Lapaṭ. URI:
John bar Maryam — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܒܪ ܡܪܝܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 344) Names: Yuḥanān bar MaryamJohn bar MaryamJohn and JacobYōḥanān bar MaryamJean bar MaryamJEAN ET JACQUESYuḥanān bar Maryam (John) was the Bishop of Arbela who was arrested with Jacob the zealot . They were sent to Shapur, flogged, and decapitated.URI:
Job of Adiabene(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Job of AdiabeneJOB (D'ADIABÈNE)In hagiography: Job of Adiabene was a doctor (great teacher) of the Syriac church.URI:
Joseph(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 344) Names: JosephJOSEPHIn hagiography: Joseph was a disciple of Narsai . They were martyrs of Beth Garmai .URI:
Joseph, patriarch of Antioch(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 792) Names: Joseph, patriarch of AntiochJOSEPHIn hagiography: Peeters identifies this Joseph as the Syrian Orthodox patriarch of Antioch .URI:
Joseph of Arbela(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 379) Names: Joseph of ArbelaJOSEPHIn hagiography: Joseph was a priest and martyr of Arbela .URI:
Juliana — ܝܘܠܝܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: YūlyānāJulianaJulianaYōlīnēJulienneJULIANAJuliana was a companion of St. Barbara .URI:
Julian, patriarch of Antioch — ܝܘܠܝܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 595) Names: YōlyānāJulian, patriarch of AntiochJulianYōlyānāJulien patriarche d’AntiocheJULIENYōlyānā (Julian) was the patriarch of Antioch . He was a monk of Qenneshrin . He wrote against Sergius of Armenia.URI:
Julietta — ܝܘܠܝܛܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 310 ) Names: YōlēṭāJuliettaJuliettaYōlēṭāJulitteJULIETTEYōlēṭā (Julietta) was the mother of Cyriacus .URI:
Justina — ܝܘܣܛܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 303) Names: YusṭāJustinaJustinaYūsṭāJustaJUSTINASt Cyprian and Justa Cyprian and Justina were martyrs from Antioch who died under the emperor DiocletianURI:
Karag(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: KaragKĀRAGIn hagiography: Karag is an abbot who figures in a Syrian orthodox calendar of Qaraqosh .URI:
Karkus(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: KarkusKARKUSIn hagiography: Karkus was commemorated as the successor of Ignatius in Antioch , and he was the fourth bishop of the city.URI:
Kenan(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 543 ) Names: KenanKENANIn hagiography: This could be Conon, the bishop of Tarsus , one of many bishops consecrated by Jacob Baradaeus in 543 for the emerging Miaphysite church.URI:
Kurbur(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: KurburKURBURIn hagiography: Kurbur was a Roman magistrate and later a martyr who appeared in the passion of Eleutherios .URI:
Lawrence — ܠܘܪܢܛܝܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 303-313 ) Names: LoranṭyosLawrenceLaurence, AgrippaLaurentLAURENT, AGRIPPALoranṭyos (Laurence) and Agrippa were companions and martyrs under Diocletian. Agrippa was a prefect of Syria who had converted to the faith in Mesopotamia.URI:
Lazarus the Confessor(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Lazarus the ConfessorLazare de HarrânLAZAREIn hagiography Lazarus the Confessor was possibly a monk of Qartmin commemorated for martyrdom under a Persian general His precise identity is contested He...URI:
Leontius — ܠܐܘܢܛܝܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 310) Names: LeʾōnṭīyōsLeontiusLeonius and PubliusLeontius of TripoliLēʾōnṭīyōsLéonceLéonce et PubliusLÉONCE DE TRIPOLISt LeontiusLeontius of TripoliLeontius of Tripoli was a martyr He had been a Roman solider There was a monastery named after him in which Severus of Antioch...URI:
Longinus — ܠܘܢܓܝܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: LungināLonginusLōngīnāLonginLONGINIn hagiography Longinus was an asecetic and a martyr with Bassus and Suzanna converts from Zoroastrianism whom Longinus baptized A martyr named Stephen is...URI:
Luke the Deacon(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 297) Names: Luke the DeaconLUCIn hagiography Luke was commemorated as a deacon under the Bishop Polychronus He was decapitated with Parmenius Helimenas and Chrysostelus and another deacon Mucius...URI:
Macarius(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MacariusMACAIREIn hagiography: Macarius and Eugenius were priests and martyrs who were decapitated.URI:
Macarius of Alexandria — ܡܩܪܝܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 408) Names: MāqārīsMacarius of AlexandriaMacarius the AlexandrianAnba MacariusMāqārīsMacaire d’AlexandrieMacaire l’AlexandrinANBA MACAIREMacariusMakariosMacarius of Alexandria came into the Syriac tradition via ʿEnanishoʿ 's Syriac translation of the Paradise of the Fathers by Palladius .URI:
Sultan Mahduk — ܨܘܠܛܢ ܡܗܕܘܟ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 319) Names: Ṣulṭan MahdukSultan MahdukSoultan MahdokSultana MahduhtSūlṭān MahdōkSoultan MahdokSULTANE MAHDŪHTSt MahduhtIn hagiography: Sultan Mahduk was a martyr of Tur Berʿain in Beth Garmai who was commemorated with her brothers Mirnarsai and Adorparwa .URI:
Maʿin — ܡܥܝܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 424) Names: MaʿinMaʿinMaʾīnMa‘înMA'ĪNMaʿin was a general of Shapur II He became a Christian when he witnesses the martyrdom of Dōdō He was baptized and arrested He...URI:
Malke — ܡܠܟܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 350-410 ) Names: MalkēMalkeMalkēMalké de ClysmaMALKÉMar Malke was a monk whose story overlaps with Mar Awgin He was the son of Awgin s sister Rebecca He was from Clysma...URI:
Mamas — ܡܐܡܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Māmā MamasMamaMāmāMamasMĀMĀMama was a martyr of Beth Sloth.URI:
Mamelhta(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MamelhtaMAMELHTAIn hagiography: Mamelhta was a virgin and martyr from Beth Garmai . She was known in the Greek martyr Acts as Mamlaha, Mamlahtina, Mazahia or Malpetha.URI:
Maʿna — ܡܥܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 438 ) Names: MaʿnaMaʿnaMa'naMaʿnāMa‘naMA'NAIn hagiography Maʿna was part of a group of martyrs killed under Yazdgerd II and connected anachronistically to Shapor bishop of Niqator and Isaac...URI:
Mark(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 400 ) Names: MarkMARCIn hagiography Mark was a solitary ascetic known from the life of Macarius in the Paradise of the Fathers by Palladius He was distinguished...URI:
Mark of Tarmaqa — ܡܪܩܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 300-400 ) Names: MarqōsMark of TarmaqaMark of TarmuqaMarqōsMarc de TarmaqaMARC DE TARMŪQAMark the Hermit of TarmaqaMarc l’ermite de TarmâqâMar MarcosMarkus vom Berge TarmāqāSt Mark of TarmaqaMark of Tarmuqa was a solitary Athenian in Ethiopia . Serapion visited him at the Mountain of Tarmuqa.URI:
Mari — ܡܐܪܝ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MaʾryMarima'ryMariMĀRĪMariMari was the apostle to Mesopotamia. He was ordained by Addai to establish Christian communities in the royal cities of the Parthians.URI:
Mari of Beth Sahde(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Mari of Beth SahdeMĀRĪ DE BÈṮ SAHDÉIn hagiography: Mari of Beth Sahde was mentioned two times by Rabban Saliba .URI:
Mari(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 271) Names: MariMĀRĪIn hagiography Mari and his wife Martha were Roman martyrs Husband and wife they went to Rome on a pilgrimage with their children Audifax...URI:
Mary(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 347) Names: MaryMARIEIn hagiography: Mary was one of daughters of the covenant who was martyred with Thecla in Adiabene .URI:
Mary(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MaryMARIE, SOEUR DE BATALAIn hagiography: Mary was the sister of Panteleon (Batala) and was commemorated with him.URI:
Mary of Tell Salila(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 347) Names: Mary of Tell SalilaMARIE, SOEUR DE JACQUESIn hagiography Mary was commorated as a martyr She and her brother the priest Jacob were from the village of Tell Salila She was...URI:
Mary of Scetis(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Mary of ScetisMARIE DE SQÉTÉWhile some hagiographical sources place Mar Awgin in the company of his two sisters Thecla and Stratonike Rabban Saliba includes Mary of Scetis in...URI:
Marina — ܡܪܝܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MarināMarinaMaryānēMarine (Marie)MARINASt MarinaAfter her mother died Marina entered the monastery with her father She disguised herself as a man Marinos A woman blamed her for her...URI:
Maron(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MaronMARONIn hagiography: Maron was an anchorite.URI:
Maron of ʿAyn Ward(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 410 ) Names: Maron of ʿAyn WardMARON DE 'AYN WARDIn hagiography Maron of ʿAyn Ward was a superior of the monastery of Qartmin and was mentioned in the life of Samuel of Qartmin...URI:
Martha(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 271) Names: MarthaMARTHA, MARTYRE À ROMEIn hagiography Martha was commorated for being martyred in Rome with her husband Mari and children Audifax and Abaq while they were on a...URI:
Martha — ܡܪܬܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 341) Names: MartāMarthaMārtāMarthe (fille de Posi)MARTHA, VIERGE MARTYREMartha was a Virgin Martyr and the daughter of Posi They were Greeks deported to the Sasanian empire They were martyred at Karka d...URI:
Martha(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 347) Names: MarthaMARTHEIn hagiography: Martha was one of daughters of the covenant who was martyred with Thecla in Adiabene .URI:
Mattai(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 300-400 ) Names: MattaiMattaMattaï (Mâr)MATTAIn hagiography Mattai Matta was born near Amida He had a marvelous youth and became a monk A persecution caused him to flee to...URI:
Maura(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 286) Names: MauraMAURA, MARTYREIn hagiography: Maura and her husband Timothy were Egyptian martyrs. They were killed for refusing to burn their copies of Christian scripture.URI:
Dometius(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: DometiusMAXIME ET DOMÈCEIn hagiography Maximus and Dometius were brother martyrs They were brothers the sons of Valentinian who fled their father s palace to become monks...URI:
Metkarkana the Vagabond(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Metkarkana the VagabondMETKARKANAIn hagiography: Metkarkana the Vagabond was commemorated in the Maronite calendar.URI:
Michael the Companion of Angels(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Michael the Companion of AngelsMichaelMichelMICHEL, "COMPAGNON DES ANGES"In hagiography Michael the Companion of Angels was a monk linked to Mar Awgin In some traditions he was the hagiographer of the Life...URI:
Michael of Tarʿil(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 650 ) Names: Michael of TarʿilMICHEL DE TAR'ĪLIn hagiography Michael of Tarʿil was commemorated as a disciple of Sabrishoʿ d Beth Qoqa He was commemorated at the eponymous monastery of Mar...URI:
Michael(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MichaelMICHELIn hagiography Michael and his sister Shiris were martyred outside the gate of Mardin in a place called the Monastery of the Fish or...URI:
Micah — ܡܝܟܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 300-400 ) Names: MikhāMicahMiha of NahadraMīḵāMicha du NouhadraMĪHĀ DE NŪHADRAMar MichaMikhā of Nuhadra was the founder of a monastery or a church in the village of Alqosh, north of Mosul.URI:
Mihrnarsai(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 319) Names: MihrnarsaiMĪHRNARSAÏIn hagiography: Mihrnarsai was a martyr of Tur Berʿain in Beth Garmai who was commemorated with his brother Adorparwa and sister Sultan Mahduk .URI:
Mihrsapor — ܡܗܪܫܒܘܪ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 421) Names: MeharshaburMihrsaporMēharšāḇōrMéharshaborMĪHRSAPORMihrsapor was a convert from Zoroastrianism who was imprisoned and died of hunger and thirst.URI:
Miles of Tel Hesh — ܡܝܠܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 275-425 ) Names: MilesMiles of Tel HeshMĪLÉS DE TELL ḤÉŠThe wonder working monk Daniel the Doctor a disciple of Mar Awgin also healed Miles the son of the governor of Tel Ḥesh Miles...URI:
Moses of Beth Sayyare — ܡܘܫܐ ܕܥܘܡܪܐ ܕܒܝܬ ܨܝܪܐ. (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 947) Names: Mushē d-ʿumrā d-bēth ṣayareMoses of the Convent of Beth SayareMoses of Beth SayyareMosesMōšē d-ʾōmrā d-ḇēṯ ṢayārēMoïse du couvent de Beit SayaréMOÏSEMoses of Beth Sayyare helped to restore the monastery of Beth Sayyare which was founded by Mar Abraham , a disciple of Mar Awgin .URI:
Moses the Black(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 395 ) Names: Moses the BlackMoses the BlackMoïse l’ÉthiopienMOÏSEIn hagiography Moses the Black or Moses the Thief was instructed and baptized by Macarius He was a man of great physical and spiritual...URI:
Mqadashta(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 341) Names: MqadashtaMQADAŠTAIn hagiography: Mqadashta (or The Sanctified) was a sister of Tarbo and Catholicos Simeon bar Sabbaʿe .URI:
Muʿawiya(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MuʿawiyaMU'ĀWIYAIn hagiography: Muʿawiya was a martyr in Arabia who was thrown to the beasts.URI:
Munyatos(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MunyatosMUNYATOSIn hagiography: Munyatos was a saint in the Maronite calendar.URI:
Nagran, martyrs of(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 523) Names: Nagran, martyrs ofNAĞRĀNIn hagiography: The martyrs of Nagran , led by Arethas , died in Ḥimyar , condemned by Joseph , a Jewish governor.URI:
Narsai, bishop of Sharqart(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 344) Names: Narsai, bishop of SharqartNARSAÏIn hagiography: Narsai, bishop of Sharqart , and Joseph his disciple, were martyrs of Beth Garmai .URI:
Narsai, son of the covenant — ܢܪܣܝ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 421) Names: NarsayNarsai, son of the covenantNarsaiNarsayNarsaï de SéleucieNARSAÏMar Narsai the AsceticNarsai was a monk and martyr. He was decapitated. He was a of Beth Garmai with his disciple Joseph .URI:
Nicholas(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: NicholasNICOLASIn hagiography: Nicholas figures in the Maronite calendar.URI:
Nuhra(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: NuhraNUHRAIn Syriac hagiography there is an attested saint named Nuhra It may be that this name Syriac for light is a translation of the...URI:
Olympia — ܐܠܘܡܦܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 360-408 ) Names: AlūmpiyāOlympiaOlympiasʾĀlūmpīyāOlympiasOLYMPIASAlūmpiyā (Olympias) was a deaconess of Constantinople.URI:
Onesima — ܐܢܣܝܡܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: OnesimāOnesimaʾĀnēsīmāOnésimaONESIMASt OnesimaOnesima was the daughter of a king and hermit in Egypt She was mentioned in the hymns on the holy women and many liturgical...URI:
Papa, bishop of Arzun(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 300-400 ) Names: Papa, bishop of ArzunPĀPĀIn hagiography: Papa was a bishop of Arzun .URI:
Paul of Edessa — ܦܘܠܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 418-435 ) Names: PawlōsPaul, the bishopPaul of EdessaPawlōsPaul l’évêquePAUL D'ÉDESSE Paul of Edessa was a bishop from the Italian peninsula who left his see and travelled to Edessa where in disguise he was...URI:
Paul the Interpreter(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 616 ) Names: Paul the InterpreterPAUL L'INTERPRÈTEIn hagiography: Paul the interpreter commented on the Psalms. He might be Paul of Nisibis or Paul of Tella.URI:
Pegasius(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 350 ) Names: PegasiusPEGASIUSIn hagiography Acyndinus Anempodistus Pegasius Aphtonius and Elpidiphorus were Greek Christians who died during the reign of Shapur II according to the legendary Acts...URI:
Peroz of Beth Lapat(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 421) Names: Peroz of Beth LapatPÉROZ DE BÉṮ LAPATIn hagiography: Peroz of Beth Lapat was a high born Zoroastrian who became a Christian and was martyred before Bahram V .URI:
Pethion — ܦܬܝܘܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: PethiyōnPethionPeṯyōnPéthionPÉṮIŌNPetyonIn hagiography Pethion a patriarch was a man of virtue who formed a favorable relationship with a Muslim governor Halid al Qasri whose mother...URI:
Pethion — ܦܬܝܘܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 449) Names: PethionPÉṮIŌNPeṯyōnPéthionMâr PéthionSt PethionIn hagiography Pethion was a Zoroastrian convert who with his uncle the monk Yazdin preached in the region of the lower Zab His hagiography...URI:
Pethion of Dasen(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Pethion of DasenPÉṮIŌN DE DĀSENIn hagiography: Pethion was a monk and a founder of a convent north of the Greater Zab .URI:
Pharkia(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: PharkiaPHARKIAIn hagiography: Pharkia was a scribe mentioned by Rabban Saliba .URI:
Peter of Alexandria(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 311) Names: Peter of AlexandriaPeterPierre d’AlexandriePIERREIn hagiography: Peter of Alexandria was the seventeenth bishop of Antioch . He was martyred under the emperor Maximinus .URI: