Index of Places


Bektaş — ܒܓܕܐܫܝܗ (settlement) Names: BektaşBagdashiyyaA village southwest of Mardin, near Kfartuto.URI:
Dayro d-Mor Yaʿqub — ܕܝܪܐ ܕܡܪܝ ܝܥܩܘܒ ܡܠܦܢܐ (monastery) Names: Dayro d-Mor YaʿqubJacob the Doctor of the Church MonasteryMār Yaʿqōb (West Syrian)Dayro d-Mor YaqubDayro d-Mor Ya‘qubMār Yaqōb (West Syrian)Mār Ya‘qōb (West Syrian)Dayr al-ZafarānDayr al-Za‘farānA monastery in Dayr al-Zaʿfarān.URI:
Chicago — ܫܝܟܐܓܘ (settlement) Names: Chicago"One of the centers of the Assyrian diaspora in the USA."URI:
China — ܨܝܢ (region) Names: China"it remains uncertain when Christians first reached the main, historically Chinese-speaking (Han), part of China."URI:
The Enaton — ܐܢܛܘܢ (region) Names: The Enaton"A monastic district southwest. of Alexandria (Egypt) on the coastal road to Cyrene (Libya) which flourished esp. in the 5th to 7th cent."URI:
Ḥimyar (region) Names: ḤimyarSouth Arabia"Himyar is the name of a geographical area in southwest Arabia as well as that of a tribal confederation in power from the 1st cent. BC to ca. AD 525."URI:
Kokhe (settlement) Names: Kokhe"Also known as Veh-Ardashir or New Seleucia. Located on the Tigris, south of modern Baghdad, the name Kokhe is Aramaic in origin."URI:
School of Nisibis — ܡܕܪܫܬܐ ܕܢܨܝܒܝܢ (building) Names: School of NisibisSchool of Nisibin"The School of Nisibis was an E.-Syr. institution of learning founded in part by refugees from the School of Edessa after the latter was forcibly closed by the religious and political authorities in 489, because it had become an exegetical circle of dyophysite Christians whose Antiochene theology was no longer welcome in a Roman Empire split by Christological controversy."URI:
Seminary of St. John (Mosul) (building) Names: Seminary of St. John (Mosul)Seminary of St. JohnSéminaire Syro-Chaldéen St. JeanMaʿhad Mār Yūḥannā al-ḤabībMahad Mār Yūḥannā al-ḤabībMa‘had Mār Yūḥannā al-Ḥabīb"A prestigious Roman Catholic theological seminary in Mosul, Iraq, called Séminaire Syro-Chaldéen St. Jean in French."URI:
Turfan (settlement) Names: Turfan"German excavations (1904–7), conducted near Bulayıq, north of Turfan, brought to light numerous fragmentary mss. evidently from the library of an E.-Syr. monastery."URI:
Xi'an (settlement) Names: Xi'anSian-fuHsi-an fu"Ancient Chinese city in Shanxi Province."URI:
Serugh — ܣܪܘܓ (settlement) Names: SerughSarujSarugAn ancient city where Jacob of Serugh was bishop.URI:
Samsun — ܨܐܡܨܘܢ (settlement) Names: SamsunA port city on the Black Sea in northern central Anatolia.URI:
Yeşil Irmak — ܝܫܝܠ ܐܝܪܡܐܩ (river) Names: Yeşil IrmakA river which flows past Tokat and Amāsiyya before emptying into the Black Sea near Samsun.URI:
Dayr al-Zor — ܕܝܪ ܐܠܙܘܪ (settlement) Names: Dayr al-ZorDayr al-ZurDeir al-ZorA city on the Euphrates southeast of al-Raqqa.URI:
al-ʿAjjāja — ܥܓܐܓܗ̈ (unknown) Names: al-ʿAjjājaal-Ajjājaal-‘AjjājaA site east of the Khabur River in Mesopotamia.URI:
Erzurum — ܐܪܙܪܘܡ (settlement) Names: ErzurumA city in northeastern Anatolia.URI:
Nuhayr al-Khawsir — ܢܗܪܘܣܐ ܕܟܘܣܪ (river) Names: Nuhayr al-KhawsirKhuser CreekA tributary of the Tigris in northern Iraq.URI:
Syria — ܣܘܪܝܐ (region) Names: SyriaA historical region bounded on the north by the Euphrates River and the Taurus Mountains, on the west by the Mediterranean Sea, on the east by the desert, and on the south by Palestine, which during the medieval period was considered the southernmost district of Syria.URI:
Lebanon — ܠܒܢܢ (region) Names: LebanonA mountainous region in the central Levantine coast of the Mediterranean Sea.URI:
Sea of Marmara — ܝܡܐ ܕܡܪܡܪܐ (open-water) Names: Sea of MarmaraA small sea on the waterway between the Black Sea and the Aegean, south of Constantinople.URI:
Marsin — ܡܪܣܝܢ (settlement) Names: MarsinMersinA port city on the Mediterranean Sea in southern Anatolia.URI:
Beth Sbirino — ܒܝܬ ܣܒܝܪܝܢܐ (settlement) Names: Beth SbirinoBsorinoBāsebrīnaBeth SeverianosBasibrinaṬur AbdinṬur ‘AbdinA village in Ṭur ʿAbdin.URI:
Tel Armān — ܩܙܠܬܦܗ (settlement) Names: Tel ArmānTell al-ArmanTel ArmenA town south of Mardin near Dunaysar.URI: