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Le Patriarche Mar Jabalaha II et les princes mongols de l’Adherbaidjan R. Duval, "Le Patriarche Mar Jabalaha II et les princes mongols de l’Adherbaidjan." inJournal asiatique vol. 13 (1889, )URI:
Istoriâ mar Âbalahi i Saumy N.V. Pigulevskaâ Н.В. Пигулевская, "Istoriâ mar Âbalahi i Saumy."Palestinskij sbornik vol. 2 (64) (1956)URI:
Balad A. Harrak, "Balad." in Sebastian P. Brock, Aaron M. Butts and George A. Kiraz, eds., The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, : Gorgias Press, 2011)URI:
Textkritische Bemerkungen zur Tšʿitā de-Mar Mār Yahbalāhā paṭriyarkā wa-d-Rabban Ṣawmā H. Hilgenfeld, Textkritische Bemerkungen zur Tšʿitā de-Mar Mār Yahbalāhā paṭriyarkā wa-d-Rabban Ṣawmā (Leipzig, 1894)URI:
CR de Montgomery et de Budge P. Peeters, "CR de Montgomery et de Budge."Analecta Bollandiana vol. 47 (1929)URI:
Christians in China before the year 1550 A.C. Moule, Christians in China before the year 1550 (Londres, 1930)URI:
Recherches sur les chrétiens d’Asie centrale et d’Extrême-Orient P. Pelliot, Recherches sur les chrétiens d’Asie centrale et d’Extrême-Orient (Paris, 1973)URI:
Syriac Christianity in India W. Hage, Syriac Christianity in India, Mōrān ‘Eth’ō Series,vol. 1 (Kottayam, 1988)URI:
Rabban Ṣauma à Constantinople (1287) S.P. Brock, "Rabban Ṣauma à Constantinople (1287)." in F. Graffin ed., Mémorial Mgr Gabriel Khouri-Sarkis (1898-1968), fondateur et directeur de L'Orient Syrien, 1956-1967 (Louvain, 1969)URI:
Syriac Christianity in Central Asia E.C.D. Hunter, "Syriac Christianity in Central Asia."Zeitschrift für Religions-und Geistesgeschichte vol. 44 (1992)URI:
Sirijskoe nestorianstvo v Kitae i Central’noj Azii E.I. Kyčanov E.И. Кычанов, "Sirijskoe nestorianstvo v Kitae i Central’noj Azii."Palestinskij sbornik vol. 26 (89) (1978)URI:
Voyager from Xanadu. Rabban Sauma and the First Journey from China to the West M. Rossabi, Voyager from Xanadu. Rabban Sauma and the First Journey from China to the West (Tokyo, 1992)URI:
CR de T. NöldekeNo authors or Editors "CR de T. Nöldeke."Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft vol. 25 (1871)URI:
Catalogue of Syriac manuscripts in the British museum acquired since the year 1838 William Wright, Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum acquired since the year 1838 (London: Gilbert and Rivington, 1870-1872)URI:
Balai S. P. Brock, "Balai." in Sebastian P. Brock, Aaron M. Butts and George A. Kiraz, eds., The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, : Gorgias Press, 2011)URI:
Sprachliche Bemerkungen zu Wright’s Apocryphal Acts A. Geiger, "Sprachliche Bemerkungen zu Wright’s Apocryphal Acts."Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft vol. 26 (1872)URI:
Les Actes de Philippe F. Bovon, "Les Actes de Philippe." in W. Haase, W. Haase and H. Temporini, eds., 6. Teilband, SchlussReligion (Vorkonstantinisches Christentum: Leben und Umwelt Jesu; Neues Testament [Kanonische Schriften und Apokryphen])PrincipatAufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt (ANRW) vol. 25 , URI:
The Original Language of the Syriac Acts of John R. H. Connolly, "The Original Language of the Syriac Acts of John."The Journal of Theological Studies vol. 8 (1907)URI:
The Menelaus Episode in the Syriac Acts of John V. C. Macmunn, "The Menelaus Episode in the Syriac Acts of John."The Journal of Theological Studies vol. 12 (1911)URI:
An Ancient Syriac Baptismal Liturgy in the Syriac Acta of John A. F. J. Klijn, "An Ancient Syriac Baptismal Liturgy in the Syriac Acta of John."Novum Testamentum vol. 6 (1963)URI:
The Diatessaron in the Syriac Acts of John R. H. Connolly, "The Diatessaron in the Syriac Acts of John."The Journal of Theological Studies vol. 8 (1907)URI:
Gli Apocrifi del Nuovo Testamento. II. Atti e leggende, s.l. 1966 M. Erbetta, Gli Apocrifi del Nuovo Testamento. II. Atti e leggende, s.l. 1966 (1966)URI:
Acta Iohannis. Textus alii - commentarius. Indices E. Junod and J.-D. Kaestli, Acta Iohannis. Textus alii - commentarius. Indices, Corpus Christianorum. Series apocryphorum,vol. 2 (Turnhout, 1983)URI:
Notice touchant l’homélie xiv de Sévère d’Antioche E. Lucchesi, "Notice touchant l’homélie xiv de Sévère d’Antioche."Vigiliae Christianae vol. 33 (1979)URI:
S.C., Dormition et Assomption de Marie. Histoire des traditions anciennes S.C. Mimouni, S.C., Dormition et Assomption de Marie. Histoire des traditions anciennes, Théologie historique,vol. 98 (Paris, 1995)URI: