* This map displays 75 records. Only places with coordinates are displayed.
Mopsuestia Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Thomas A. Carlson Data merging, Pleiades and Wikipedia linking, and XML by Thomas A. Carlson Wilmshurst index information entry by Anthony Davis Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by David A. Michelson Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by William L. Potter Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2345/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson, 2014-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. Thomas A. Carlson, 2014-2018 David A. Michelson, 2014-present. Daniel L. Schwartz, 2019-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation. The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer.

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates.

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer. In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) or to The Syriac World (http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/2, http://syriaca.org/bibl/3, or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriac.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

CHANGED: Implemented May 2019 batch changes, see https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A2019-May-Batch-Changes. The issues labeled were #742, #743, #746, #747, #749, #752, #754, #757, #759, #761, #763, #765, #766, #767, #768, #769, #770, #771, #772, #773, #774, #792, #793, #794, #797, #802, #803, #804, #806, #807, #815, #816, #817, #818, #819, #820, #821, #822, #823, #824, #825, #826, #827, #829, #831, #832, #833, #834, #836, #843, #847, #848, #849, #850, #851, #852, #853 ADDED: relation element with shares-name-with attribute for all place headwords that share names ADDED: syriaca-computed-start and syriaca-computed-end attributes for searching CREATED: place
Mopsuestia http://syriaca.org/place/2345 David Wilmshurst The Ecclesiastical Organisation of the Church of the East, 1318-1913 62-63, 65
Nisibis Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Thomas A. Carlson Data merging, Pleiades and Wikipedia linking, and XML by Thomas A. Carlson Wilmshurst index information entry by Anthony Davis Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by David A. Michelson Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by William L. Potter Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2351/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson, 2014-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. Thomas A. Carlson, 2014-2018 David A. Michelson, 2014-present. Daniel L. Schwartz, 2019-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation. The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer.

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates.

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer. In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) or to The Syriac World (http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/2, http://syriaca.org/bibl/3, or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriac.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

CHANGED: Implemented May 2019 batch changes, see https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A2019-May-Batch-Changes. The issues labeled were #742, #743, #746, #747, #749, #752, #754, #757, #759, #761, #763, #765, #766, #767, #768, #769, #770, #771, #772, #773, #774, #792, #793, #794, #797, #802, #803, #804, #806, #807, #815, #816, #817, #818, #819, #820, #821, #822, #823, #824, #825, #826, #827, #829, #831, #832, #833, #834, #836, #843, #847, #848, #849, #850, #851, #852, #853 ADDED: relation element with shares-name-with attribute for all place headwords that share names ADDED: syriaca-computed-start and syriaca-computed-end attributes for searching CREATED: place
Nisibis ʻNassibin’ http://syriaca.org/place/2351 David Wilmshurst The Ecclesiastical Organisation of the Church of the East, 1318-1913 4, 22, 38, 39, 40, 41-43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 55, 62, 72, 73, 80, 84, 87, 91, 101, 102, 175, 208, 260, 278, 342, 345, 346, 347, 349, 350, 351, 352, 355
Rome Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Thomas A. Carlson Data merging, Pleiades and Wikipedia linking, and XML by Thomas A. Carlson Wilmshurst index information entry by Anthony Davis Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by David A. Michelson Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by William L. Potter Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2360/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson, 2014-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. Thomas A. Carlson, 2014-2018 David A. Michelson, 2014-present. Daniel L. Schwartz, 2019-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation. The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer.

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates.

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer. In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) or to The Syriac World (http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/2, http://syriaca.org/bibl/3, or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriac.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

CHANGED: Implemented May 2019 batch changes, see https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A2019-May-Batch-Changes. The issues labeled were #742, #743, #746, #747, #749, #752, #754, #757, #759, #761, #763, #765, #766, #767, #768, #769, #770, #771, #772, #773, #774, #792, #793, #794, #797, #802, #803, #804, #806, #807, #815, #816, #817, #818, #819, #820, #821, #822, #823, #824, #825, #826, #827, #829, #831, #832, #833, #834, #836, #843, #847, #848, #849, #850, #851, #852, #853 ADDED: relation element with shares-name-with attribute for all place headwords that share names ADDED: syriaca-computed-start and syriaca-computed-end attributes for searching CREATED: place
Rome Rome (patriarchal vicariate) http://syriaca.org/place/2360 David Wilmshurst The Ecclesiastical Organisation of the Church of the East, 1318-1913 362, 363, 364
Dorylaion — <foreign xml:lang="syr">ܕܐܘܪܠܝܘܢ</foreign> Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Daniel L. Schwartz Data and XML by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2572/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson, 2014-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. Thomas A. Carlson, 2014-2018 David A. Michelson, 2014-present. Daniel L. Schwartz, 2019-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation. The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer.

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates.

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer. In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) or to The Syriac World (http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/2, http://syriaca.org/bibl/3, or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriac.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

CREATED: place
Dorylaion ܕܐܘܪܠܝܘܢ Dorylaeum A settlement in norther Phrygia. 39.774889999999999 30.516839999999998 http://syriaca.org/place/2572 http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/609367 Chronica Minora 7 Untersuchungen über die Edessenische Chronik 111 Selections from the Syriac, No. 1: The Chronicle of Edessa 35 http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/609367
Euchaita — <foreign xml:lang="syr">ܐܘܟܐܛܐ</foreign> Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Daniel L. Schwartz Data and XML by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2573/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson, 2014-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. Thomas A. Carlson, 2014-2018 David A. Michelson, 2014-present. Daniel L. Schwartz, 2019-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation. The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer.

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates.

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer. In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) or to The Syriac World (http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/2, http://syriaca.org/bibl/3, or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriac.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

CREATED: place
Euchaita ܐܘܟܐܛܐ Euchaïta Euchata A settlment in northern Anatolia. 40.572477999999997 35.280029999999996 http://syriaca.org/place/2573 http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/857120 Chronica Minora 10 Untersuchungen über die Edessenische Chronik 127 Selections from the Syriac, No. 1: The Chronicle of Edessa 37 http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/857120
Nikopolis — <foreign xml:lang="syr">ܢܝܩܦܘܠܝܣ</foreign> Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Daniel L. Schwartz Data and XML by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2574/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson, 2014-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. Thomas A. Carlson, 2014-2018 David A. Michelson, 2014-present. Daniel L. Schwartz, 2019-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation. The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer.

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates.

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer. In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) or to The Syriac World (http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/2, http://syriaca.org/bibl/3, or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriac.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

CREATED: place
Nikopolis ܢܝܩܦܘܠܝܣ Nicopolis Emmaus 31.83933 34.989663 http://syriaca.org/place/2574 http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/687891 Chronica Minora 8 Untersuchungen über die Edessenische Chronik 119 Selections from the Syriac, No. 1: The Chronicle of Edessa 36 http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/687891
Old palace of Abgar — <foreign xml:lang="syr">ܐܦܕܢܐ ܪܒܐ ܕܐܒܓܪ</foreign> Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Daniel L. Schwartz URI minted and initial data collected by Daniel L. Schwartz Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by David A. Michelson Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by William L. Potter Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2579/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

This entry incorporates copyrighted material from the following work(s): used under a Creative Commons Attribution license

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson , 2014-present . William L. Potter , 2020-present . Thomas A. Carlson , 2014-2018 David A. Michelson , 2014-present . Daniel L. Schwartz , 2019-present . William L. Potter , 2020-present . http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation . The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer .

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates .

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer . In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/1 ) or to The Syriac World ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4 ) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/1 ) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/2 , http://syriaca.org/bibl/3 , or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4 ) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/4 ) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriaca.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html . An anglicized version of a name, included to facilitate searching.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

Add event and bibliography CHANGED: Implemented May 2019 batch changes, see https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A2019-May-Batch-Changes . The issues labeled were #742, #743, #746, #747, #749, #752, #754, #757, #759, #761, #763, #765, #766, #767, #768, #769, #770, #771, #772, #773, #774, #792, #793, #794, #797, #802, #803, #804, #806, #807, #815, #816, #817, #818, #819, #820, #821, #822, #823, #824, #825, #826, #827, #829, #831, #832, #833, #834, #836, #843, #847, #848, #849, #850, #851, #852, #853 CREATED: place
Great Palace of Abgar VIII ܐܦܕܢܐ ܪܒܐ ܕܐܒܓܪ the great palace of Abgar The old palace of the Abgarid kings

The palace was flooded by the river Daiṣan.

http://syriaca.org/place/2579 Chronica Minora 1 Selections from the Syriac, No. 1: The Chronicle of Edessa 30 Edessa, 'the Blessed City' 17
Church of the Christians — <foreign xml:lang="syr">ܥܕܬܐ ܕܟܪ̈ܣܿܛܝܢܐܼ</foreign> Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Daniel L. Schwartz URI minted and initial data collected by Daniel L. Schwartz Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by David A. Michelson Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by William L. Potter Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2580/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

This entry incorporates copyrighted material from the following work(s): used under a Creative Commons Attribution license

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson , 2014-present . William L. Potter , 2020-present . Thomas A. Carlson , 2014-2018 David A. Michelson , 2014-present . Daniel L. Schwartz , 2019-present . William L. Potter , 2020-present . http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation . The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer .

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates .

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer . In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/1 ) or to The Syriac World ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4 ) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/1 ) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/2 , http://syriaca.org/bibl/3 , or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4 ) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/4 ) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriaca.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html . An anglicized version of a name, included to facilitate searching.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

Add event and bibliography CHANGED: Implemented May 2019 batch changes, see https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A2019-May-Batch-Changes . The issues labeled were #742, #743, #746, #747, #749, #752, #754, #757, #759, #761, #763, #765, #766, #767, #768, #769, #770, #771, #772, #773, #774, #792, #793, #794, #797, #802, #803, #804, #806, #807, #815, #816, #817, #818, #819, #820, #821, #822, #823, #824, #825, #826, #827, #829, #831, #832, #833, #834, #836, #843, #847, #848, #849, #850, #851, #852, #853 CREATED: place
Church of the Christians at Edessa ܥܕܬܐ ܕܟܪ̈ܣܿܛܝܢܐܼ the church of the Christians The main Christian church in the city of Edessa at the beginning of the third century. The 'Church of the Christians', destroyed in the floods of 201, must have lain on low ground, probably on the site of the present Makam Ibrahim.

The church was damaged in the flood of the river Daiṣan.

http://syriaca.org/place/2580 Chronica Minora 2 Selections from the Syriac, No. 1: The Chronicle of Edessa 31 Edessa, 'the Blessed City' 181
Royal winter house — <foreign xml:lang="syr">ܒܝܬ ܣܬܘܐ</foreign> Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Daniel L. Schwartz URI minted and initial data collected by Daniel L. Schwartz Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by David A. Michelson Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by William L. Potter Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2583/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

This entry incorporates copyrighted material from the following work(s): used under a Creative Commons Attribution license

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson , 2014-present . William L. Potter , 2020-present . Thomas A. Carlson , 2014-2018 David A. Michelson , 2014-present . Daniel L. Schwartz , 2019-present . William L. Potter , 2020-present . http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation . The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer .

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates .

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer . In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/1 ) or to The Syriac World ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4 ) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/1 ) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/2 , http://syriaca.org/bibl/3 , or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4 ) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences ( http://syriaca.org/bibl/4 ) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriaca.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html . An anglicized version of a name, included to facilitate searching.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

Add location, dates on existence, and bibliography CHANGED: Implemented May 2019 batch changes, see https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A2019-May-Batch-Changes . The issues labeled were #742, #743, #746, #747, #749, #752, #754, #757, #759, #761, #763, #765, #766, #767, #768, #769, #770, #771, #772, #773, #774, #792, #793, #794, #797, #802, #803, #804, #806, #807, #815, #816, #817, #818, #819, #820, #821, #822, #823, #824, #825, #826, #827, #829, #831, #832, #833, #834, #836, #843, #847, #848, #849, #850, #851, #852, #853 CREATED: place
Winter Palace of Abgar VIII ܒܝܬ ܣܬܘܐ A royal residence in the Beth Tabarā area of Edessa, built after the flood of 201. Fearful of a recurrence of the floods, Abgar the Great constructed a 'winter hourse as a royal dwelling' (in one text called a 'castle') on the Citadel mount in, apparently, 205-6. Beth Tabarā Edessa http://syriaca.org/place/2583 Chronica Minora 2 Selections from the Syriac, No. 1: The Chronicle of Edessa 31 Edessa, 'the Blessed City' 17
Beth Tabarā — <foreign xml:lang="syr">ܒܝܬ ܬܒܪܐ</foreign> Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Daniel L. Schwartz URI minted and initial data collected by Daniel L. Schwartz Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by David A. Michelson Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by William L. Potter Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2584/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

This entry incorporates copyrighted material from the following work(s): used under a Creative Commons Attribution license

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson, 2014-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. Thomas A. Carlson, 2014-2018 David A. Michelson, 2014-present. Daniel L. Schwartz, 2019-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation. The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer.

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates.

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer. In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) or to The Syriac World (http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/2, http://syriaca.org/bibl/3, or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriaca.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html. An anglicized version of a name, included to facilitate searching.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

CHANGED: Implemented May 2019 batch changes, see https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A2019-May-Batch-Changes. The issues labeled were #742, #743, #746, #747, #749, #752, #754, #757, #759, #761, #763, #765, #766, #767, #768, #769, #770, #771, #772, #773, #774, #792, #793, #794, #797, #802, #803, #804, #806, #807, #815, #816, #817, #818, #819, #820, #821, #822, #823, #824, #825, #826, #827, #829, #831, #832, #833, #834, #836, #843, #847, #848, #849, #850, #851, #852, #853 CREATED: place
Beth Tabarā ܒܝܬ ܬܒܪܐ ܒܝܬ ܬܒܪܐ A quarter of the city of Edessa http://syriaca.org/place/2584 2-3
Mausoleum of Abgar VI — <foreign xml:lang="syr"></foreign> Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Daniel L. Schwartz URI minted and initial data collected by Daniel L. Schwartz Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by David A. Michelson Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by William L. Potter Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2586/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson, 2014-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. Thomas A. Carlson, 2014-2018 David A. Michelson, 2014-present. Daniel L. Schwartz, 2019-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation. The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer.

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates.

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer. In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) or to The Syriac World (http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/2, http://syriaca.org/bibl/3, or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriaca.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html. An anglicized version of a name, included to facilitate searching.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

CHANGED: Implemented May 2019 batch changes, see https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A2019-May-Batch-Changes. The issues labeled were #742, #743, #746, #747, #749, #752, #754, #757, #759, #761, #763, #765, #766, #767, #768, #769, #770, #771, #772, #773, #774, #792, #793, #794, #797, #802, #803, #804, #806, #807, #815, #816, #817, #818, #819, #820, #821, #822, #823, #824, #825, #826, #827, #829, #831, #832, #833, #834, #836, #843, #847, #848, #849, #850, #851, #852, #853 CREATED: place
Mausoleum of Abgar VI The burial place of Abgar VI http://syriaca.org/place/2586 Chronica minora Ignatius Guidi 3 The Chronicle of Edessa 4
New palace of Abgar VIII — <foreign xml:lang="syr"></foreign> Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Daniel L. Schwartz URI minted and initial data collected by Daniel L. Schwartz Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by David A. Michelson Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by William L. Potter Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2587/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson, 2014-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. Thomas A. Carlson, 2014-2018 David A. Michelson, 2014-present. Daniel L. Schwartz, 2019-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation. The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer.

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates.

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer. In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) or to The Syriac World (http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/2, http://syriaca.org/bibl/3, or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriaca.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html. An anglicized version of a name, included to facilitate searching.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

CHANGED: Implemented May 2019 batch changes, see https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A2019-May-Batch-Changes. The issues labeled were #742, #743, #746, #747, #749, #752, #754, #757, #759, #761, #763, #765, #766, #767, #768, #769, #770, #771, #772, #773, #774, #792, #793, #794, #797, #802, #803, #804, #806, #807, #815, #816, #817, #818, #819, #820, #821, #822, #823, #824, #825, #826, #827, #829, #831, #832, #833, #834, #836, #843, #847, #848, #849, #850, #851, #852, #853 CREATED: place
New palace of Abgar VIII The palace built by Abgar VIII after the flood of A.D. 201 http://syriaca.org/place/2587 Chronica minora Ignatius Guidi 3 The Chronicle of Edessa 9
Church of Edessa — <foreign xml:lang="syr">ܥܕܬܐ ܕܐܘܪܗܝ</foreign> Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Daniel L. Schwartz URI minted and initial data collected by Daniel L. Schwartz Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by David A. Michelson Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by William L. Potter Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2588/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

This entry incorporates copyrighted material from the following work(s): used under a Creative Commons Attribution license

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson, 2014-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. Thomas A. Carlson, 2014-2018 David A. Michelson, 2014-present. Daniel L. Schwartz, 2019-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation. The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer.

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates.

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer. In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) or to The Syriac World (http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/2, http://syriaca.org/bibl/3, or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriaca.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html. An anglicized version of a name, included to facilitate searching.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

CHANGED: Implemented May 2019 batch changes, see https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A2019-May-Batch-Changes. The issues labeled were #742, #743, #746, #747, #749, #752, #754, #757, #759, #761, #763, #765, #766, #767, #768, #769, #770, #771, #772, #773, #774, #792, #793, #794, #797, #802, #803, #804, #806, #807, #815, #816, #817, #818, #819, #820, #821, #822, #823, #824, #825, #826, #827, #829, #831, #832, #833, #834, #836, #843, #847, #848, #849, #850, #851, #852, #853 CREATED: place
Church of Edessa ܥܕܬܐ ܕܐܘܪܗܝ ܥܕܬܐ ܕܐܘܪܗܝ A church in Edessa built by Bishop Conon in A.D. 312/13 http://syriaca.org/place/2588 4
Cemetery of Edessa — <foreign xml:lang="syr">ܩܘܡܝܛܪܝܢ ܕܐܘܪܗܝ</foreign> Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Daniel L. Schwartz URI minted and initial data collected by Daniel L. Schwartz Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by David A. Michelson Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by William L. Potter Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2589/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

This entry incorporates copyrighted material from the following work(s): used under a Creative Commons Attribution license

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson, 2014-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. Thomas A. Carlson, 2014-2018 David A. Michelson, 2014-present. Daniel L. Schwartz, 2019-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation. The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer.

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates.

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer. In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) or to The Syriac World (http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/2, http://syriaca.org/bibl/3, or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriaca.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html. An anglicized version of a name, included to facilitate searching.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

CHANGED: Implemented May 2019 batch changes, see https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A2019-May-Batch-Changes. The issues labeled were #742, #743, #746, #747, #749, #752, #754, #757, #759, #761, #763, #765, #766, #767, #768, #769, #770, #771, #772, #773, #774, #792, #793, #794, #797, #802, #803, #804, #806, #807, #815, #816, #817, #818, #819, #820, #821, #822, #823, #824, #825, #826, #827, #829, #831, #832, #833, #834, #836, #843, #847, #848, #849, #850, #851, #852, #853 CREATED: place
Cemetery of Edessa ܩܘܡܝܛܪܝܢ ܕܐܘܪܗܝ ܩܘܡܝܛܪܝܢ ܕܐܘܪܗܝ A cemetery built by Bishop Ethalaha in A.D. 323/24 http://syriaca.org/place/2589 4
House of the Confessors — <foreign xml:lang="syr">ܒܝܬ ܡ̈ܘܕܝܢܐ</foreign> Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal The National Endowment for the Humanities The International Balzan Prize Foundation Daniel L. Schwartz URI minted and initial data collected by Daniel L. Schwartz Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by David A. Michelson Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by William L. Potter Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by Daniel L. Schwartz Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal http://syriaca.org/place/2590/tei

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

This entry incorporates copyrighted material from the following work(s): used under a Creative Commons Attribution license

The Syriac Gazetteer David A. Michelson, 2014-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. Thomas A. Carlson, 2014-2018 David A. Michelson, 2014-present. Daniel L. Schwartz, 2019-present. William L. Potter, 2020-present. http://syriaca.org/geo

Born digital.

This record has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines. Documentation is available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation. The Syriac Gazetteer was encoded using both the general editorial guidelines for all publications of Syriaca.org and an encoding schema specific to The Syriac Gazetteer.

Approximate dates described in terms of centuries or partial centuries have been interpreted into quantitative values as documented in the Syriaca.org guidelines for normalization of dates. See Syriaca.org Guidelines for Approximate Dates.

The state element of @type="existence" indicates the period for which this place was in use as a place of its indicated type (e.g. an inhabited settlement, a functioning monastery or church, an administrative province). While it is possible to indicate a source for this date, this date is usually based on the estimate of the editors and provided as an aid to searching. As a practice, attested dates for a place based on historical sources have instead been encoded more precisely using event of @type="attestation". Natural features which have always existed have no date on the state element of @type="existence" since they are are presumed to have always existed throughout recorded history.

In some cases, maps from print publications have been used as the basis for coordinate data in The Syriac Gazetteer. In two instances, the editors of such print maps provided the digital coordinate data used to prepare the print maps. Specifically, coordinates which are attributed to The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) or to The Syriac World (http://syriaca.org/bibl/PUTG99V4) were extracted from the KML files used to create the print maps for those volumes. Because only the print maps were published, the citation for these coordinates refers to the print source. The editors of the The Syriac Gazetteer are grateful to the editors of The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage and The Syriac World for providing these coordinate files.

The editors have silently normalized data from other sources in some cases. The primary instances are listed below.

The capitalization of names from The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (http://syriaca.org/bibl/1) was normalized silently (i.e. names in ALL-CAPS were replaced by Proper-noun capitalization).

The unchanging parts of alternate names from the editions and translations of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/2, http://syriaca.org/bibl/3, or http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) have been supplied silently.

Names from the English translation of Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (http://syriaca.org/bibl/4) were silently transformed into sentence word order rather than the headword alphabetization used by Barsoum. Commas were silently removed.

The name used by Syriaca.org for document titles, citation, and disambiguation. These names have been created according to the Syriaca.org guidelines for headwords: http://syriaca.org/documentation/headwords.html. An anglicized version of a name, included to facilitate searching.

Languages codes used in this record follow the Syriaca.org guidelines. Documentation available at: http://syriaca.org/documentation/langusage.xml

CHANGED: Implemented May 2019 batch changes, see https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A2019-May-Batch-Changes. The issues labeled were #742, #743, #746, #747, #749, #752, #754, #757, #759, #761, #763, #765, #766, #767, #768, #769, #770, #771, #772, #773, #774, #792, #793, #794, #797, #802, #803, #804, #806, #807, #815, #816, #817, #818, #819, #820, #821, #822, #823, #824, #825, #826, #827, #829, #831, #832, #833, #834, #836, #843, #847, #848, #849, #850, #851, #852, #853 CREATED: place
House of the Confessors ܒܝܬ ܡ̈ܘܕܝܢܐ ܒܝܬ ܡ̈ܘܕܝܢܐ A church in Edessa built by Bishop Abraham in A.D. 345/46 http://syriaca.org/place/2590 4