Index of Persons


Anonymi 3088 — The bishops who attended the Council of Neocaesarea Names: Anonymi 3088The bishops who attended the Council of NeocaesareaURI:
Anonymi 3089 — The bishops who attended the Council of Nicaea Names: Anonymi 3089The bishops who attended the Council of NicaeaURI:
ʿAbdishoʿ bar Bahriz — ܥܒܕܝܫܘܥ ܒܪ ܒܗܪܝܙ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, first quarter of 9th cent. ) Names: ʿAbdishoʿ bar BahrīzAbdisho bar BahrizIbn BahrizAbdisho bar Bahrīz‘Abdisho‘ bar BahrīzʿAbdishoʿ bar Bahriz""Logician, theologian, legal scholar, translator, and metropolitan, first of .""URI:
Anonymous 3090 — A reader in the church of Antioch who delivered a message to the bishops of Syria Secunda Names: Anonymous 3090A reader in the church of Antioch who delivered a message to the bishops of Syria SecundaURI:
Anonymi 3091 — Those who brought charges against Libanius for demanding interest from fellow clergy in Apamea Names: Anonymi 3091Those who brought charges against Libanius for demanding interest from fellow clergy in ApameaURI:
Anonymous 3092 — The devout monk who was removed from the monastery of ʿAkiba by the bishop Simeon Names: Anonymous 3092The devout monk who was removed from the monastery of ʿAkiba by the bishop SimeonURI:
Anonymous 3093 — The chorepiscopus and periodeutes in the village of Thelhadin Names: Anonymous 3093The chorepiscopus and periodeutes in the village of ThelhadinURI:
Maron — ܡܪܘܢ Names: MaronBishop after whom a monastery was namedURI:
Anonymi 3095 — The monks of the monastery of the bishop Maron Names: Anonymi 3095The monks of the monastery of the bishop MaronURI:
Anonymi 3096 — The notables of Apamea who received a letter from Severus in A.D. 513 Names: Anonymi 3096The notables of Apamea who received a letter from Severus in A.D. 513URI:
Anonymous 3097 — A deaconess deprived of her ordination by Severus because she had been married three times Names: Anonymous 3097A deaconess deprived of her ordination by Severus because she had been married three timesURI:
Anonymous 3098 — The third husband of a defrocked deaconess Names: Anonymous 3098The third husband of a defrocked deaconessURI:
Anonymi 3099 — Those in Constantinople who managed the affairs of the church of Antioch for Severus Names: Anonymi 3099Those in Constantinople who managed the affairs of the church of Antioch for SeverusURI:
Cosmas, the priest — ܩܘܙܡܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, 472 ) Names: Cosmas The PriestCosmasCosmas, the priestKosmas PrCôme le DiacreCôme le diacreA disciple, correspondent, and biographer of Simeon the Stylite URI:
ܥܒܕܝܫܘܥ ܕܨܘܒܐ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 1318) Names: ʿAbdishoʿ bar BrikhaʿAbd Yeshuʿ of ṢobaAbdisho of NisibisEbedjesusAbdisho bar Brikha‘Abdisho‘ bar BrikhaAbd Yeshu of Ṣoba‘Abd Yeshu‘ of ṢobaAbdišo' de Nisibe'Abdišo' bar Brika'Abdišo' de Ṣoba et d'Arménie'Ebed Yešu'ʿAbdishoʿ bar Brikha‘Abdîshô‘ de NisibeʿAbdishoʿ bar BrikhaEbedjesus of ṢobāAbdisho Bar Berika seu Ebedjesu Sobensis""Bp. and scholar.""URI:
Anonymi 3100 — Those who payed Flavian of Antioch in order to receive ordination Names: Anonymi 3100Those who payed Flavian of Antioch in order to receive ordinationURI:
Anonymi 3101 — The people of Paltus who brought charges against Firminus Names: Anonymi 3101The people of Paltus who brought charges against FirminusURI:
Anonymous 3102 — The father of Mitras and grandfather of Alypius Names: Anonymous 3102The father of Mitras and grandfather of AlypiusURI:
Anonymi 3103 — The monks of the monastery of St. Simeon during the banishment of on non-Chalcedonians in the 520s Names: Anonymi 3103The monks of the monastery of St. Simeon during the banishment of on non-Chalcedonians in the 520sURI:
Anonymi 3104 — Jews who sold a slave sometime in the early 520s Names: Anonymi 3104Jews who sold a slave sometime in the early 520sURI:
Anonymi 3105 — The non-Chalcedonian monks, clergy, and laity of Isauria who suffered persecution in the early 520s Names: Anonymi 3105The non-Chalcedonian monks, clergy, and laity of Isauria who suffered persecution in the early 520sURI:
Anonymi 3106 — Those in Cilicia Prima who failed to defend non-Chalcedonian orthodoxy in the early 520s Names: Anonymi 3106Those in Cilicia Prima who failed to defend non-Chalcedonian orthodoxy in the early 520sURI:
Anonymi 3107 — Clergymen whom Stephen sent to Egypt in the early 520s to pursue exiled Isaurian clergy Names: Anonymi 3107Clergymen whom Stephen sent to Egypt in the early 520s to pursue exiled Isaurian clergyURI:
Anonymi 3108 — Non-Chalcedinian bishops of Isauria in exile in Egypt during the early 520s Names: Anonymi 3108Non-Chalcedinian bishops of Isauria in exile in Egypt during the early 520sURI:
Anonymous 3109 — A slave sold by certain Jews in the early 520s Names: Anonymous 3109A slave sold by certain Jews in the early 520sURI: