Index of Persons


Cyriacus(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: CyriacusCyriaqueURI:
Theodosius II — ܬܐܘܕܘܣܝܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Theodosius IITheodosius IIṮēʾōdōsīyōsThéodose IITheodosius II Theodosius II is an emperor of the Roman Empire commemorated in Cyril of Alexandria and Theodosius II text a work surviving in at...URI:
ʿAbdalʿaleq — ܥܒܕܐܠܥܠܩ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ʿAbdālʿaleqʿAbdalʿaleqʾAḇdālʾaleq‘Abd al-‘Aleq ʿAbdalʿaleq was a deacon and martyr who was stoned to death.URI:
ʿAziza — ܥܙܝܙܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ʿAzizāʿAzizaʾAzīzā‘AzizaMar AzzizaAziza was a monk from Egypt the son of pagan parents who became a Christian He is counted among the disciples of Awgin He...URI:
Anonymi 1532 — Monks of Nitria(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: The Nitrian MonksMonks of NitriaDayrāyē d-ḇa-NṭīrāMoines de NitrieAnonymi 1532 Anonymi 1532 are saints commemorated in Monks of Nitria (text) URI:
Aaron — ܐܗܪܘܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AhrūnAaronʾAhrōnAaron Aaron is a presbyter from Armenia who is commemorated in the Lives of the Eastern Saints by John of Ephesus .URI:
Aaron — ܐܗܪܘܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AhrūnAaronʾAhrōnAaron Aaron was the brother of Moses and Miriam, and he is commemorated as the founder of the Israelite priesthood.URI:
Aaron the Solitary(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Aaron the SolitaryAaron the SolitaryAaron le solitaireURI:
Abi — ܐܒܝ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AbaiAbiʾAbbīAbbi Abi features in John of Ephesus' Lives of the Eastern Saints. URI:
Abdat al-Ahad(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Abdat al-AhadAbdat al-AhadURI:
ʿAbdishoʿ — ܥܒܕܝܫܘܥ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ʿAbdishōʿʿAbdishoʿʿAḇdīšōʿAbdichoAbdisho‘ was martyred with Berikhisho .URI:
ʿAbdishoʿ of Dasen — ܥܒܕܝܫܘܥ ܕܣܢܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ʿAbdishōʿ DasnāyāʿAbdishoʿ of DasenʿAḇdīšōʿ DasnāyāAbdisho‘ de Dasen ʿAbdishoʿ of Dasen was a monk from Dasen who trained in the monastery of Beth Sayare . URI:
Abel — ܗܒܝܠ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: HabelAbelHāḇēlAbel Abel is a biblical figure commemorated in Cain and Abel text a work surviving in at least 1 manuscript ms Berlin Königliche Bibliothek...URI:
Abel of Adiabene — ܗܒܝܠ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: HabelAbel of AdiabeneHābēlAbel d’Adiabène Abel of Adiabene is commemorated in Abel of Adiabene text a work surviving in at least 1 manuscript ms Berlin Westdeutsche Bibliothek Or...URI:
ʾAbn — ܐܒܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ʾAbnAbnʾAbnAbn Abn is an ascetic who came into the Syriac tradition via ʿEnanishoʿ s Syriac translation of the Paradise of the Fathers by Palladius...URI:
Aboursam — ܐܒܘܪܣܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 341, 341 ) Names: AbursāmAboursamʾĀbūrsāmAboursamIn hagiography Miles was a Bishop of Susa He was born near Tehran and converted from Zoroastrianism He went on a long pilgrimage and...URI:
ʿAboushta of Adiabene — ܥܒܘܫܛܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ʾAbūshṭāʿAboushta of AdiabeneʾAbūšṭāAboushtâ d’Adiabène ʿAbousha of Adiabene was a spiritual father originally from a village in the mountains called Tallpnā URI:
Abraham — ܐܒܪܗܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AbrāhāmAbrahamʾAḇrāhāmAbraham Abraham is commemorated in Abraham and Maron (text) in the Lives of the Eastern Saints by John of Ephesus. URI:
Abraham — ܐܒܪܗܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AbrāhāmAbrahamʾAḇrāhāmAbraham Abraham is commemorated in Abraham Cyriacus Barhadbeshabba and Sergius text in the Lives of the Eastern Saints by John of Ephesus from John...URI:
Abraham — ܐܒܪܗܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AbrāhāmAbrahamʾAḇrāhāmAbraham Abraham is commemorated in Addai and Abraham (text) in the Lives of the Eastern Saints by John of Ephesus. URI:
Abraham of Harran — ܐܒܪܗܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AbrāhāmAbraham of ḤarranʾAḇrāhāmAbraham de ḤarranAbraham of Harran Abraham of Harran of Ḥarran .URI:
Abraham of Nisibis — ܐܒܪܗܡ ܕܢܨܝܒܝܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Abrāhām da-NṣibinAbraham of NisibisʾAḇrāhām da-NṣīḇīnAbraham de NisibeAbraham of Nisibis Abraham of Nisibis is commemorated in Abraham of Nisibis (text) URI:
Abraham of Adiabene — ܐܒܪܗܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AbrāhāmAbraham of AdiabeneʾAḇrāhāmAbraham I d’Adiabène Abraham of Adiabene was an early bishop of Adiabene who was originally from Herdā .URI:
Abraham II of Adiabene — ܐܒܪܗܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 346 ) Names: AbrāhāmAbraham II of AdiabeneʾAḇrāhāmAbraham II d’Adiabène Abraham II of Adiabene II was a bishop of Adiabene URI:
Abraham the Egyptian — ܐܒܪܗܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AbrāhāmAbraham the EgyptianʾAḇrāhāmAbraham l’Égyptien Abraham the Egyptian is a monk from Egypt who came into the Syriac tradition via ʿEnanishoʿ s Syriac translation of the Paradise of...URI:
Abraham the Priest — ܐܒܪܗܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AbrāhāmAbraham the PriestʾAḇrāhāmAbraham le Prêtre Abraham the Priest features in John of Ephesus' Lives of the Eastern Saints. URI:
Abraham the Recluse — ܐܒܪܗܡ ܚܒܝܫܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Abrāhām ḤbishāAbraham the RecluseʾAḇrāhām ḥḇīšāAbraham le Reclus Abraham the Recluse is a saint who features in John of Ephesus' Lives of the Eastern Saints. URI:
Acacius — ܐܩܩܝܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 313 ) Names: AqaqisAcaciusʾĀqāqīsAcace Acacius was a martyr during the reign of Maximinus II.URI:
Acacius of Aleppo — ܐܩܩ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 432) Names: AqaqAcacius of AleppoʾAqaqAcace d’AlepAqaq Acacius of Aleppo was a bishop of Aleppo veneratd by Balai .URI:
Acmonicos — ܐܩܡܘܢܝܩܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AqmōniqōsAcmonicosʾAqmōnīqōsAcmonicos Acmonicos is commemorated with Doticos and Cyriacus in Ammonios Doticos Cyriacus and Acmonicos text a work surviving in at least 1 manuscript ms...URI:
Adam — ܐܕܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AdamʾAḏamAdamAdamAdam Adam is the first man, according to the Bible, and he is commemorated in the second and third chapter of Genesis. URI:
Agape — ܐܓܐܦܝ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 138 ) Names: AghapiAgapeʾĀǥāpīAgapè Agape was a virgin martyred with her mother Sophia and her sisters Pistis and Elpis .URI:
Agapios — ܐܓܦܝܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AghapisAgapiosĀgāpīsAgapiosSt Agapius Agapios is a Palestinian martyr commemorated by Eusebius of Caesarea .URI:
Agapios — ܐܓܦܝܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AghapiyosAgapiosĀǥāpyōsAgapios Agapios is a martyr of Palestine commemorated by Eusebius of Caesarea .URI:
Agathopous — ܐܓܬܦܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AghatpūsAgathopousʾAǥaṯōpūsAgathopous Agathopous is commemorated in Theodule and Agathopous (text) , a work surviving in at least 1 manuscript: ms Vatican, Syr.160, f. 126-135 .URI:
Agnes — ܗܓܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: HegnēAgnesHagnēAgnèsSt Agnes Agnes was a virgin martyr from Rome. URI:
Agrippa(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AgrippaAgrippaURI:
Aha of Adiabene — ܐܚܐ ܕܐܒܘܗܝ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Aḥo dabuyAha of AdiabeneʾAā d-ʾaḇū(h)yAha-dabouhy d’Adiabène Aha of Adiabene was the son of a priest from Arbela .URI:
Ahudemmeh(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AhudemmehAhoudemmehAhoudemmehURI:
Alosis — ܐܠܘܣܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AlōsisAlosisAidesiosĀlōsisAidésios Alosis is a Palestinian martyr commemorated by Eusebius of Caesarea .URI:
Ahai(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AhaiAhaiAkhaïURI:
Alexandra — ܐܠܟܣܢܕܪܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AlēksandrāAlexandraʾĀlēḵsandrāAlexandra Alexandra was a virgin from Alexandria who fled the city and locked herself in a tomb She never looked at the face of...URI:
Alexander — ܐܠܟܣܢܕܪܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AlēksandrōsAlexanderʾAleksandrōsAlexandre Alexander is commemorated in Alexander and Theodule text a work surviving in at least 1 manuscript ms London British Library Add 14654 f...URI:
Amantalida — ܐܡܢܛܠܝܕܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AminṭalidāAmantalidaAmantilidaʾĀmanṭālīdāAmantalidaAmma Talida Amantalida was an eighty year old desert mother of the city of Antinoe in Egypt who lived in a community of virgins as...URI:
Ammonios — ܐܡܘܢܝܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 4th century ) Names: AmōnīsAmmoniosʾAmōnīsAmmoniosAmmonios the monkАммонийA 4th century Egyptian monk who wrote about the martyrdom of the forty fathers of SinaiURI:
Ammonios — ܐܡܘܢܝܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AmōnīsAmmoniosʾAmōnīyōsAmmonios Ammonios is a martyr commemorated with Doticos Cyriacus and Acmonicos in Ammonios Doticos Cyriacus and Acmonicos text a work surviving in at least...URI:
Amoun — ܐܡܘܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AmōnAmounʾAmōnAmoun Amoun is commemorated in Amoun (text) , a work surviving in at least 6 manuscripts including ms Lady Meux 6 .URI:
Amoun — ܐܡܘܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AmōnAmounʾAmōnAmounAmoun knew the priest Apollo.URI:
Ananias — ܚܢܢܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ḤanānyāAnaniasḤananyāAnanie Ananias is commemorated in Ananias (text) , a work surviving in at least 1 manuscript: ms Mardin .URI:
Ananias — ܚܢܢܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ḤanānyāAnaniasḤananīyāAnanie Ananias is commemorated in Ananias and Shmouni text a work surviving in at least 1 manuscript ms Cambridge Mass Harvard University Library Syr...URI:
Ananias(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AnaniasAnanie (Hannina)URI:
Anastasia — ܐܢܣܛܐܣܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 548 ) Names: AnastasiaAnastasiaAnastasieURI:
Andrew — ܐܢܕܪܝܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AndrēʾyasAndrewʾAndrēyasAndré Andrew is commemorated in Matthew and Andrew text a work surviving in at least 17 manuscripts including ms London British Library Add 14645...URI:
Andromedes of Jerusalem — ܐܢܕܪܘܡܝܕܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AndrōmīdāAndromedes of JerusalemʾAndrōmīdāAndromède de Jérusalem Andromedes of Jerusalem is commemorated in Andromedes of Jerusalem text a work surviving in at least 2 manuscripts including ms London British Library...URI:
Andronicus — ܐܢܕܪܘܢܝܩܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AndrōnīqōsAndronicusʾAndrōnīqōsAndronic Andronicus was a married man from Alexandria . His wife was Athanasia , and when their children died, they lived apart as monastics.URI:
Andronicus — ܐܢܕܪܘܢܝܩܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AndrōnīqōsAndronicusʾAndrōnīqōsAndronic Andronicus is commemorated in Probus Tarachos and Andronicus text a work surviving in at least 1 manuscript ms London British Library Add 12174...URI:
Anna — ܚܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ḤanāAnnaḤanāAnne Anna is commemorated in Mary Mother of God Simeon and Anna text a work surviving in at least 1 manuscript ms Vatican Syr...URI:
Anthia — ܐܢܬܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AntiyāAnthiaʾAntīyāAnthie Anthia is commemorated in Eleutheria Anthia and Qorabor text a work surviving in at least 1 manuscript ms Vatican Syr 160 f 211...URI:
Anthimus — ܐܢܬܝܡܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AntimōsAnthimusʾAntīmōsAnthimeAnthimus of Constantinople Anthimus was a sixth-century Miaphysite Patriarch of Constantinople who is commemorated by John of Ephesus in the Lives of the Eastern Saints. URI:
Antigone — ܐܢܛܝܓܘܢܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: AnṭighōnōsAntigoneʾAnṭīǥōnōsAntigone Antigone is commemorated in URI:
Anthony — ܐܢܛܘܢܝܣ Names: AnṭōnisAntonyAnthonyʾAnṭōnīsAntoineAntoniusAntoniosAntoniosAntony the GreatAntony the Great of Egypt, father of monasticism. Also venerated in Syriac tradition.URI: