Index of Persons


John of Harran(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 518 ) Names: John of HarranJEAN DE ḤARRĀNIn hagiography: John of Ḥarran was commemorated as one of fifty miaphysite bishops exiled under Justin I in 518.URI:
John of Kafar Sania(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 311) Names: John of Kafar SaniaJean de Kfar SanyaJEAN DE KAFAR SANIAIn hagiography: According to Barsoum , this martyr, John of Kafar Sania , died under Maximinus Hercules .URI:
John of Kamul(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 343 ) Names: John of KamulJEAN DE KAMŪLIn hagiography John of Kamul was born to a pagan family from a royal Sasanian line He was converted and tried to convince Shapur...URI:
John of Kashkar(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 421-458 ) Names: John of KashkarJEAN DE KAŠKARIn hagiography: John of Kashkar was born in the region of Kashkar . After a series of abductions, he returned to the monastery of ʿAyn Deqla .URI:
John of Kfone(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: John of KfoneJohn of KephennaJean de KephennaJEAN DE KFŌNÉIn hagiography John of Kfone al Kfani was a disciple of Mar Awgin The monastery of this monk was found south of Zaz in...URI:
John Psaltes(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 420) Names: John PsaltesJEAN PSALTÉSIn hagiography John Psaltes was mentioned in the Life of Rabban Samuel of Qartmin A vision revealed to him the presence of relics in...URI:
John of Qartmin(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 1000 ) Names: John of QartminJEAN DE QARTMĪNIn hagiography: John of Qartmin or John of Beth Sbirino was a noted paleograph who reestablished the use of estrangelo writing.URI:
John the Nazarite — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܢܙܝܪܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 500-600 ) Names: Yuḥanān NzirāJohn the NazariteJohn the SolitaireYōḥanān nzīrāJean le NaziréenJEAN LE SOLITAIREJohn the solitary was a monk of Ṭur ʿAbdin He might be John the perfect Nazarite whom John of Ephesus mentions He was a...URI:
John of Edessa — ܝܘܚܢܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 418-435 ) Names: John of EdessaJohn, the priestJEAN D'EDESSEYōḥanānJean le prêtreIn hagiography John of Edessa was a priest from Edessa who nourished 12 holy men in a cave He became friends with Paul of...URI:
Jacob of Adiabene — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܛܢܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 344) Names: Yaʿqub ṭanānāJacob of AdiabeneJohn and JacobYaʿqōḇ ṭanānāJacques le Zélote (d’Adiabène)JEAN ET JACQUESJacob, the zealot priest, was arrested with Yuḥanān bar Maryam (John), Bishop of Arbela , during the time of Shapur. They were decapitated at Beth Lapaṭ. URI:
John bar Maryam — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܒܪ ܡܪܝܡ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 344) Names: Yuḥanān bar MaryamJohn bar MaryamJohn and JacobYōḥanān bar MaryamJean bar MaryamJEAN ET JACQUESYuḥanān bar Maryam (John) was the Bishop of Arbela who was arrested with Jacob the zealot . They were sent to Shapur, flogged, and decapitated.URI:
Job of Adiabene(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Job of AdiabeneJOB (D'ADIABÈNE)In hagiography: Job of Adiabene was a doctor (great teacher) of the Syriac church.URI:
Joseph(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 344) Names: JosephJOSEPHIn hagiography: Joseph was a disciple of Narsai . They were martyrs of Beth Garmai .URI:
Joseph, patriarch of Antioch(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 792) Names: Joseph, patriarch of AntiochJOSEPHIn hagiography: Peeters identifies this Joseph as the Syrian Orthodox patriarch of Antioch .URI:
Joseph of Arbela(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 379) Names: Joseph of ArbelaJOSEPHIn hagiography: Joseph was a priest and martyr of Arbela .URI:
Juliana — ܝܘܠܝܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: YūlyānāJulianaJulianaYōlīnēJulienneJULIANAJuliana was a companion of St. Barbara .URI:
Julian, patriarch of Antioch — ܝܘܠܝܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 595) Names: YōlyānāJulian, patriarch of AntiochJulianYōlyānāJulien patriarche d’AntiocheJULIENYōlyānā (Julian) was the patriarch of Antioch . He was a monk of Qenneshrin . He wrote against Sergius of Armenia.URI:
Julietta — ܝܘܠܝܛܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 310 ) Names: YōlēṭāJuliettaJuliettaYōlēṭāJulitteJULIETTEYōlēṭā (Julietta) was the mother of Cyriacus .URI:
Justina — ܝܘܣܛܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 303) Names: YusṭāJustinaJustinaYūsṭāJustaJUSTINASt Cyprian and Justa Cyprian and Justina were martyrs from Antioch who died under the emperor DiocletianURI:
Karag(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: KaragKĀRAGIn hagiography: Karag is an abbot who figures in a Syrian orthodox calendar of Qaraqosh .URI:
Karkus(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: KarkusKARKUSIn hagiography: Karkus was commemorated as the successor of Ignatius in Antioch , and he was the fourth bishop of the city.URI:
Kenan(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 543 ) Names: KenanKENANIn hagiography: This could be Conon, the bishop of Tarsus , one of many bishops consecrated by Jacob Baradaeus in 543 for the emerging Miaphysite church.URI:
Kurbur(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: KurburKURBURIn hagiography: Kurbur was a Roman magistrate and later a martyr who appeared in the passion of Eleutherios .URI:
Lawrence — ܠܘܪܢܛܝܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 303-313 ) Names: LoranṭyosLawrenceLaurence, AgrippaLaurentLAURENT, AGRIPPALoranṭyos (Laurence) and Agrippa were companions and martyrs under Diocletian. Agrippa was a prefect of Syria who had converted to the faith in Mesopotamia.URI:
Lazarus the Confessor(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Lazarus the ConfessorLazare de HarrânLAZAREIn hagiography Lazarus the Confessor was possibly a monk of Qartmin commemorated for martyrdom under a Persian general His precise identity is contested He...URI:
Leontius — ܠܐܘܢܛܝܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 310) Names: LeʾōnṭīyōsLeontiusLeonius and PubliusLeontius of TripoliLēʾōnṭīyōsLéonceLéonce et PubliusLÉONCE DE TRIPOLISt LeontiusLeontius of TripoliLeontius of Tripoli was a martyr He had been a Roman solider There was a monastery named after him in which Severus of Antioch...URI:
Longinus — ܠܘܢܓܝܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: LungināLonginusLōngīnāLonginLONGINIn hagiography Longinus was an asecetic and a martyr with Bassus and Suzanna converts from Zoroastrianism whom Longinus baptized A martyr named Stephen is...URI:
Luke the Deacon(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 297) Names: Luke the DeaconLUCIn hagiography Luke was commemorated as a deacon under the Bishop Polychronus He was decapitated with Parmenius Helimenas and Chrysostelus and another deacon Mucius...URI:
Macarius(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MacariusMACAIREIn hagiography: Macarius and Eugenius were priests and martyrs who were decapitated.URI:
Macarius of Alexandria — ܡܩܪܝܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 408) Names: MāqārīsMacarius of AlexandriaMacarius the AlexandrianAnba MacariusMāqārīsMacaire d’AlexandrieMacaire l’AlexandrinANBA MACAIREMacariusMakariosMacarius of Alexandria came into the Syriac tradition via ʿEnanishoʿ 's Syriac translation of the Paradise of the Fathers by Palladius .URI:
Sultan Mahduk — ܨܘܠܛܢ ܡܗܕܘܟ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 319) Names: Ṣulṭan MahdukSultan MahdukSoultan MahdokSultana MahduhtSūlṭān MahdōkSoultan MahdokSULTANE MAHDŪHTSt MahduhtIn hagiography: Sultan Mahduk was a martyr of Tur Berʿain in Beth Garmai who was commemorated with her brothers Mirnarsai and Adorparwa .URI:
Maʿin — ܡܥܝܢ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 424) Names: MaʿinMaʿinMaʾīnMa‘înMA'ĪNMaʿin was a general of Shapur II He became a Christian when he witnesses the martyrdom of Dōdō He was baptized and arrested He...URI:
Malke — ܡܠܟܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 350-410 ) Names: MalkēMalkeMalkēMalké de ClysmaMALKÉMar Malke was a monk whose story overlaps with Mar Awgin He was the son of Awgin s sister Rebecca He was from Clysma...URI:
Mamas — ܡܐܡܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Māmā MamasMamaMāmāMamasMĀMĀMama was a martyr of Beth Sloth.URI:
Mamelhta(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MamelhtaMAMELHTAIn hagiography: Mamelhta was a virgin and martyr from Beth Garmai . She was known in the Greek martyr Acts as Mamlaha, Mamlahtina, Mazahia or Malpetha.URI:
Maʿna — ܡܥܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 438 ) Names: MaʿnaMaʿnaMa'naMaʿnāMa‘naMA'NAIn hagiography Maʿna was part of a group of martyrs killed under Yazdgerd II and connected anachronistically to Shapor bishop of Niqator and Isaac...URI:
Mark(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 400 ) Names: MarkMARCIn hagiography Mark was a solitary ascetic known from the life of Macarius in the Paradise of the Fathers by Palladius He was distinguished...URI:
Mark of Tarmaqa — ܡܪܩܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 300-400 ) Names: MarqōsMark of TarmaqaMark of TarmuqaMarqōsMarc de TarmaqaMARC DE TARMŪQAMark the Hermit of TarmaqaMarc l’ermite de TarmâqâMar MarcosMarkus vom Berge TarmāqāSt Mark of TarmaqaMark of Tarmuqa was a solitary Athenian in Ethiopia . Serapion visited him at the Mountain of Tarmuqa.URI:
Mari — ܡܐܪܝ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MaʾryMarima'ryMariMĀRĪMariMari was the apostle to Mesopotamia. He was ordained by Addai to establish Christian communities in the royal cities of the Parthians.URI:
Mari of Beth Sahde(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Mari of Beth SahdeMĀRĪ DE BÈṮ SAHDÉIn hagiography: Mari of Beth Sahde was mentioned two times by Rabban Saliba .URI:
Mari(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 271) Names: MariMĀRĪIn hagiography Mari and his wife Martha were Roman martyrs Husband and wife they went to Rome on a pilgrimage with their children Audifax...URI:
Mary(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 347) Names: MaryMARIEIn hagiography: Mary was one of daughters of the covenant who was martyred with Thecla in Adiabene .URI:
Mary(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MaryMARIE, SOEUR DE BATALAIn hagiography: Mary was the sister of Panteleon (Batala) and was commemorated with him.URI:
Mary of Tell Salila(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 347) Names: Mary of Tell SalilaMARIE, SOEUR DE JACQUESIn hagiography Mary was commorated as a martyr She and her brother the priest Jacob were from the village of Tell Salila She was...URI:
Mary of Scetis(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Mary of ScetisMARIE DE SQÉTÉWhile some hagiographical sources place Mar Awgin in the company of his two sisters Thecla and Stratonike Rabban Saliba includes Mary of Scetis in...URI:
Marina — ܡܪܝܢܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MarināMarinaMaryānēMarine (Marie)MARINASt MarinaAfter her mother died Marina entered the monastery with her father She disguised herself as a man Marinos A woman blamed her for her...URI:
Maron(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MaronMARONIn hagiography: Maron was an anchorite.URI:
Maron of ʿAyn Ward(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 410 ) Names: Maron of ʿAyn WardMARON DE 'AYN WARDIn hagiography Maron of ʿAyn Ward was a superior of the monastery of Qartmin and was mentioned in the life of Samuel of Qartmin...URI:
Martha(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 271) Names: MarthaMARTHA, MARTYRE À ROMEIn hagiography Martha was commorated for being martyred in Rome with her husband Mari and children Audifax and Abaq while they were on a...URI:
Martha — ܡܪܬܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 341) Names: MartāMarthaMārtāMarthe (fille de Posi)MARTHA, VIERGE MARTYREMartha was a Virgin Martyr and the daughter of Posi They were Greeks deported to the Sasanian empire They were martyred at Karka d...URI:
Martha(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 347) Names: MarthaMARTHEIn hagiography: Martha was one of daughters of the covenant who was martyred with Thecla in Adiabene .URI:
Mattai(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 300-400 ) Names: MattaiMattaMattaï (Mâr)MATTAIn hagiography Mattai Matta was born near Amida He had a marvelous youth and became a monk A persecution caused him to flee to...URI:
Maura(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 286) Names: MauraMAURA, MARTYREIn hagiography: Maura and her husband Timothy were Egyptian martyrs. They were killed for refusing to burn their copies of Christian scripture.URI:
Dometius(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: DometiusMAXIME ET DOMÈCEIn hagiography Maximus and Dometius were brother martyrs They were brothers the sons of Valentinian who fled their father s palace to become monks...URI:
Metkarkana the Vagabond(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Metkarkana the VagabondMETKARKANAIn hagiography: Metkarkana the Vagabond was commemorated in the Maronite calendar.URI:
Michael the Companion of Angels(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Michael the Companion of AngelsMichaelMichelMICHEL, "COMPAGNON DES ANGES"In hagiography Michael the Companion of Angels was a monk linked to Mar Awgin In some traditions he was the hagiographer of the Life...URI:
Michael of Tarʿil(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 650 ) Names: Michael of TarʿilMICHEL DE TAR'ĪLIn hagiography Michael of Tarʿil was commemorated as a disciple of Sabrishoʿ d Beth Qoqa He was commemorated at the eponymous monastery of Mar...URI:
Michael(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: MichaelMICHELIn hagiography Michael and his sister Shiris were martyred outside the gate of Mardin in a place called the Monastery of the Fish or...URI:
Micah — ܡܝܟܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 300-400 ) Names: MikhāMicahMiha of NahadraMīḵāMicha du NouhadraMĪHĀ DE NŪHADRAMar MichaMikhā of Nuhadra was the founder of a monastery or a church in the village of Alqosh, north of Mosul.URI:
Mihrnarsai(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 319) Names: MihrnarsaiMĪHRNARSAÏIn hagiography: Mihrnarsai was a martyr of Tur Berʿain in Beth Garmai who was commemorated with his brother Adorparwa and sister Sultan Mahduk .URI:
Mihrsapor — ܡܗܪܫܒܘܪ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 421) Names: MeharshaburMihrsaporMēharšāḇōrMéharshaborMĪHRSAPORMihrsapor was a convert from Zoroastrianism who was imprisoned and died of hunger and thirst.URI:
Miles of Tel Hesh — ܡܝܠܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 275-425 ) Names: MilesMiles of Tel HeshMĪLÉS DE TELL ḤÉŠThe wonder working monk Daniel the Doctor a disciple of Mar Awgin also healed Miles the son of the governor of Tel Ḥesh Miles...URI:
Moses of Beth Sayyare — ܡܘܫܐ ܕܥܘܡܪܐ ܕܒܝܬ ܨܝܪܐ. (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 947) Names: Mushē d-ʿumrā d-bēth ṣayareMoses of the Convent of Beth SayareMoses of Beth SayyareMosesMōšē d-ʾōmrā d-ḇēṯ ṢayārēMoïse du couvent de Beit SayaréMOÏSEMoses of Beth Sayyare helped to restore the monastery of Beth Sayyare which was founded by Mar Abraham , a disciple of Mar Awgin .URI: