Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent and David A. Michelson (eds.), "Or — ܐܘܪ " in last modified August 17, 2016, ܐܘܪ Ur ܐܘܪ ܘܐܫܥܝܐ ܘܦܘܠܘܣ ܘܢܘܦܝ Or ʾOr Ôr Ôr, Isaïe, Paul et Nôphi Or is a desert Abba who came into the Syriac tradition via ʿEnanishoʿ's Syriac translation of the Paradise of the Fathers by Palladius. Or is commemorated in Or (text). Or is commemorated in Or (text). Or is commemorated in Or (text). Or is commemorated in Or (text). Or is commemorated in Or (text). Or is commemorated in Or, Isaiah, Paul, and Nophy (text). Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca 194 301 425 426 427 315