Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent and David A. Michelson (eds.), "Sawrisho [deprecated]" in Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saints last modified June 25, 2016, This record has been deprecated and merged into Sawrisho SAWRĪŠŌ' 392 male 0520 0604 Fiey provides the following bibliographic citations: Biographie : Bedjan, Jab-Alaha, 288-331 ; BHO, 1032. Autres references : Fiey, Assyrie chretienne, III, 56-60. M. Tamcke, Der Katholikos-Patriarch Sabrisho' I und das Monchtums (Frankfurt et Bern, 1988). BSO, II, 916- 17 (J .M. Fiey). In hagiography: Sawrisho was a student of the School of Nisibis. He became a monk of Mount Qardu and performed many miracles. He became a bishop and played a role in the conversion of Al Numan, the Lakhmid phylarch. Under the influence of Khusro II, he became the Catholicos of the Church of the East. What kind of date is this? Saints Syriaques SAWRĪŠŌ' 392 Bedjan Jab-Alaha 288-331 BHO 1032 Fiey Assyrie chrétienne III, 56-60 M. Tamcke Der Katholikos-Patriarch Sabrisho' I und das Monchtums (Frankfurt et Bern, 1988) J .M. Fiey BSO II, 916-17