Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent, David A. Michelson and James E. Walters, (eds.), "Adorhormizd (Dadishoʿ) — ܐܕܘܪܗܘܪܡܝܙܕ " in last modified August 17, 2016, ܐܕܘܪܗܘܪܡܝܙܕ Adorhormizd Adorhormizd (Dadishoʿ) ʾĀdōrhōrmīzd Adorhormizd ĀḎŌRHORMIZD-DĀDĪŜŌ' 30 male 447 Martyr Adorhormizd (later "Dadisho") was a high-born mobed who converted to Christianity after his daughter, Anahid, was healed through the work of Christian monk, Pethion. Both he and Anahid became Christian martyrs. with Anahid Adorhormizd (Dadishoʿ) is commemorated in Pethion, Adorhormizd, Anahid, and Yazdin (text). Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca 71 Saints Syriaques ĀḎŌRHORMIZD-DĀDĪŜŌ' 30 Les Actes d'Adorhormizd in AMS II, 565-83 BHO 25 Shuhadā', II, 357-65. J.M. Fiey BSO I, 57-58