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To Andrew the Reader and NotaryA letter of Severus of Antioch appearing as letter VIII.5 in The Sixth Book of the Select Letters. There it indicates that this letter comes from two letters in the large no-longer-extant collection, The Letters of Severus, as IX.51 and 61.URI:
To Andrew, Reader and NotaryA letter of Severus of Antioch appearing in the no-longer-extant large collection, The Letters of Severus, IX.62, and in the Sixth Book of the Select Letters as IV.9.URI:
To John CanopitesA letter of Severus of Antioch not contained in the no-longer-extant 23 books of the large collection of The Letters of Severus. This letter does appear in collection, The Sixth Book of the Select Letters of Severus.URI:
To Caesaria the PatricianA letter of Severus of Antioch not contained in the no-longer-extant 23 books of the large collection of The Letters of Severus. This letter does appear in collection, The Sixth Book of the Select Letters of Severus, IV.10.URI: