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Thomas of Germanicea — ܬܐܘܡܐ ܕܓܪܡܐܢܝܩܝ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 542, 519 ) Names: Thomas bishop of Germanicia Tumo of GermaniceaThomas of GermaniceaTHOMASThomas of GermaniceaThomas was a miaphysite Bishop of Marʿash (ancient Germanicea) . He was in correspondence with Severus of Antioch and was banished to Egypt .URI:
Paul, metropolitan of Edessa — ܦܘܠܘܣ ܕܐܘܪܗܝ (A Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 624, ) Names: Paul metropolitan of Edessa Pawla of Edessa Paul metropolitan of Edessa Paul of Edessa PAUL, évêque d'EdessePaul of EdessaPaulus ep. Edessae""Metropolitan of and translator.""URI: