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A West Syriac Life of Mar Shabbay (Bar Shabba), Bishop of Merv Sebastian P Brock, "A West Syriac Life of Mar Shabbay (Bar Shabba), Bishop of Merv." in Dmitrij Bumazhnov, Emmanouela Grypeou and Timothy B Sailors, eds., Bibel, Byzanz und Christlicher Orient: Festschrift für Stephen Gerö zum 65. Geburtstag (Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters en Departement Oosterse Studies, 2011)URI:
Monophysite texts of the sixth century A. van Roey and Pauline Allen, Monophysite texts of the sixth century (Leuven: Peeters : Departement Oriëntalistiek, 1994)URI:
The Holy Land and Its Inhabitants in the Pilgrimage Narrative of the Persian Monk Bar Sauma Reuven Kipperwasser and Serge Ruzer, "The Holy Land and Its Inhabitants in the Pilgrimage Narrative of the Persian Monk Bar Sauma."Cathedra vol. 148 (2013)URI:
Sogdische Texte: II F. W. K Müller and W Lentz, "Sogdische Texte: II."Sitzungsberichte der Königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin vol. 21 (1934)URI:
Exegesis, New Testament C. E. Morrison, "Exegesis, New Testament." in Sebastian P. Brock, Aaron M. Butts and George A. Kiraz, eds., The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, : Gorgias Press, 2011)URI:
The legend of Mar Qardagh: narrative and Christian heroism in late antique Iraq Joel Thomas Walker, The legend of Mar Qardagh: narrative and Christian heroism in late antique Iraq (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006)URI:
A study of the Syriac version of the Life of Antony: A meeting point of Egyptian monasticism with Syriac native asceticism Fumihiko F Takeda, A study of the Syriac version of the Life of Antony: A meeting point of Egyptian monasticism with Syriac native asceticism (University of Oxford, 1998)URI:
A Tale of Two Synods: The Archimandrite Barsumas at Ephesus in 449 and at Chalcedon in 451 Andrew Palmer, "A Tale of Two Synods: The Archimandrite Barsumas at Ephesus in 449 and at Chalcedon in 451."Journal of Eastern Christian Studies vol. 66 (2013)URI:
A Syriac Life of Athanasius of Alexandria Michael J. Hollerich, "A Syriac Life of Athanasius of Alexandria." in Robin Darling Young, Monica J Blanchard and Sidney Harrison Griffith, eds., To train his soul in books Syriac asceticism in early Christianity (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2011)URI:
Bar Shabba/Mar Shabbay, First Bishop of Merv Sebastian P Brock, "Bar Shabba/Mar Shabbay, First Bishop of Merv." in Martin Tamcke, Wolfgang Schwaigert and Egbert Schlarb, eds., Syrisches Christentum weltweit: Studien zur syrischen Kirchengeschichte : Festschrift Prof. Hage (Münster: LIT, 1995)URI:
Monastic Theology of the Syriac Version of the Life of Antony Fumihiko F Takeda, "Monastic Theology of the Syriac Version of the Life of Antony."Studia Patristica vol. 35 (2001)URI:
The mathematical sciences in Syriac: from Sergius of Resh-'Aina and Severus Sebokht to Barhebraeus and patriarch Ni'matallah Hidemi Takahashi, "The mathematical sciences in Syriac: from Sergius of Resh-'Aina and Severus Sebokht to Barhebraeus and patriarch Ni'matallah."Between Orient and Occident. (2011)URI:
Vorbemerkungen über die westsyrische Legende von Bar Šabbay/Bar Šabbā Serena Demaria, "Vorbemerkungen über die westsyrische Legende von Bar Šabbay/Bar Šabbā." in Jürgen Tubach, G. Sophia Vashalomidze and Lutz Greisiger, eds., Der Christliche Orient und seine Umwelt: gesammelte Studien zu Ehren Jürgen Tubachs anlässlich seines 60. Geburtstags (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2007)URI:
Notulae syriacae: Some Miscellaneous Identifications Sebastian P Brock, "Notulae syriacae: Some Miscellaneous Identifications."Le Muséon vol. 108 (1995)URI:
A bibliography of Syriac ascetic and mystical literature Grigory Kessel and Karl Pinggéra, A bibliography of Syriac ascetic and mystical literature (Leuven; Walpole, MA: Peeters, 2011)URI:
Fā’iq, Naʿʿūm G. A. Kiraz, "Fā’iq, Naʿʿūm." in Sebastian P. Brock, Aaron M. Butts and George A. Kiraz, eds., The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, : Gorgias Press, 2011)URI:
Pure Prayer and Ignorance: Dadisho‘ Qatraya and the Greek Ascetic Legacy Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony, "Pure Prayer and Ignorance: Dadisho‘ Qatraya and the Greek Ascetic Legacy."Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni vol. 78 (2012)URI:
Mor Gabriel aus Beth Qusṭan: Leben und Legende eines syrischen Abtbischofs aus dem 7. Jahrhundert Zeki Joseph, Mor Gabriel aus Beth Qusṭan: Leben und Legende eines syrischen Abtbischofs aus dem 7. Jahrhundert (Hildesheim; New York: G. Olms, 2010)URI:
Les cinq recensions de l'Ascéticon syriaque d'abba Isaïe René Draguet ed., Les cinq recensions de l'Ascéticon syriaque d'abba Isaïe (Louvain: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, Waversebaan, 49, 1968)URI:
The Greek and Syriac Versions of the Life of Antony David Brakke, "The Greek and Syriac Versions of the Life of Antony."Le Muséon vol. 107 (1994)URI:
The Great Monastery at Mount Izla and the Defence of the East-Syrian Identity Florence Jullien, "The Great Monastery at Mount Izla and the Defence of the East-Syrian Identity." in Erica C. D Hunter ed., The Christian Heritage of Iraq: Collected Papers from the Christianity of Iraq I-V Seminar Days (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2009)URI:
Athanasiana Syriaca and the library of Dayr al-Suryan Matthew J Martin, "Athanasiana Syriaca and the library of Dayr al-Suryan."Ancient Near Eastern Studies Ancient Near Eastern Studies vol. 40 (2003)URI:
Vertritt die syrische Fassung die ursprüngliche Gestalt der Vita Antonii? Eine Auseinandersetzung mit der These Draguets Luise Abramowski, "Vertritt die syrische Fassung die ursprüngliche Gestalt der Vita Antonii? Eine Auseinandersetzung mit der These Draguets." inMélanges Antoine Guillaumont. Contributions à l’étude des christianismes orientaux, Cahiers d’Orientalisme,vol. 20 (Geneva: P. Cramer, 1988)URI:
Il potere dei monaci nei concili orientali del V secolo: il constatinopolitano eutiche e il siro bau sauma Silvia Acerbi, "Il potere dei monaci nei concili orientali del V secolo: il constatinopolitano eutiche e il siro bau sauma."Studia historica / Historia antigua vol. 24 (2006)URI:
Children and Violence in Syriac Sources: The “Martyrdom of Mar Talya of Cyrrhus” in the Light of Literary and Theological Implications Cornelia B Horn, "Children and Violence in Syriac Sources: The “Martyrdom of Mar Talya of Cyrrhus” in the Light of Literary and Theological Implications."Parole de l'Orient vol. 31 (2006)URI: