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Dadisho Qatraya and his Commentary on the Book of the Abbas Isaiah Luise Abramowski, "Dadisho Qatraya and his Commentary on the Book of the Abbas Isaiah."The Harp vol. 4 (=Палестинский сборник) ( 1991)URI:
Fars J. T. Walker, "Fars." in Sebastian P. Brock, Aaron M. Butts and George A. Kiraz, eds., The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, : Gorgias Press, 2011)URI:
The History of the Syrian Orthodox in Jerusalem' Andrew Palmer, "The History of the Syrian Orthodox in Jerusalem'."Oriens Christianus vol. 75 (1991)URI:
Against the Eternity of the Stars: Disputation and Christian Philosophy in Late Sasanian Mesopotamia J. T Walker, "Against the Eternity of the Stars: Disputation and Christian Philosophy in Late Sasanian Mesopotamia."Atti dei convegni Lincei vol. 184 (2003)URI:
The West-Syrian Monastic Founder Barṣawmo: A Historical Review of the Scholarly Literature Andrew Palmer, "The West-Syrian Monastic Founder Barṣawmo: A Historical Review of the Scholarly Literature." in Peter Bruns and Heize Luthe eds., Orientalia Christiana: Festschrift für Hubert Kaufhold zum 70. Geburtstag (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2013)URI:
Angel of Light or Mystic Initiate? The Problem of the Life of Antony T. D Barnes, "Angel of Light or Mystic Initiate? The Problem of the Life of Antony."The Journal of Theological Studies vol. 37 (1986)URI:
Damascus after the Muslim conquest: Text and image in early Islam Nancy A Khalek, Damascus after the Muslim conquest: Text and image in early Islam (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011)URI:
The Baptist’s Diet in Syriac Sources Sebastian P Brock, "The Baptist’s Diet in Syriac Sources."Oriens Christianus vol. 54 (1970)URI:
The Wardā an East Syriac hymnological collection: Study and critical edition Anton Pritula, The Wardā an East Syriac hymnological collection: Study and critical edition (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015)URI:
The Diet of John the Baptist: “Locusts and Wild Honey” in Synoptic and Patristic Interpretation James Kelhoffer, The Diet of John the Baptist: “Locusts and Wild Honey” in Synoptic and Patristic Interpretation, Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament,vol. 176 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2005)URI:
Treasure-House of Mysteries: Explorations of the Sacred Text through Poetry in the Syriac Tradition Sebastian P Brock, Treasure-House of Mysteries: Explorations of the Sacred Text through Poetry in the Syriac Tradition, Popular Patristics Series,vol. 45 (Yonkers: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2012)URI:
Le culte et les fêtes de saint Jean-Baptiste dans l’Église syrienne Jean Tomajean, "Le culte et les fêtes de saint Jean-Baptiste dans l’Église syrienne."L'Orient Syrien vol. 6 (1961)URI:
Fatḥallāh, Elias J. Fathi, "Fatḥallāh, Elias." in Sebastian P. Brock, Aaron M. Butts and George A. Kiraz, eds., The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, : Gorgias Press, 2011)URI:
Candida: An Ante-Nicene Martyr in Persia Justin David Strong, "Candida: An Ante-Nicene Martyr in Persia."Journal of early Christian studies vol. 23 (2015)URI:
Rafka, the blind mystic of Lebanon Francis M Zayek, Rafka, the blind mystic of Lebanon (Still River, Mass.: St. Bede's Publications, 1980)URI:
The Syriac Baptism of St John: A Christian Ritual of Protection for Muslim ChildrenNo authors or Editors "The Syriac Baptism of St John: A Christian Ritual of Protection for Muslim Children." in Robert G Hoyland ed., The late antique world of early Islam: Muslims among Christians and Jews in the East Mediterranean (Princeton: Darwin Press, 2015)URI:
St. George: The Indigenous Foreigner in Kerala Christianity Corinne G. Dempsey, "St. George: The Indigenous Foreigner in Kerala Christianity."Religion vol. 28 (1998)URI:
St Marina and Satan: A Syriac Dialogue Poem Sebastian P Brock, "St Marina and Satan: A Syriac Dialogue Poem."Collectanea Christiana Orientalia vol. 5 (2008)URI:
The martyrdom of Theonilla in Syriac, "The martyrdom of Theonilla in Syriac."Analecta Bollandiana vol. 128 (2010)URI:
A Karshuni Text of the Legend of Mar Asia' Jan E. Wilson, "A Karshuni Text of the Legend of Mar Asia'."Parole de l'Orient vol. 32 (2007)URI:
La Passion syriaque de Mār ‘Abdā Florence Jullien, "La Passion syriaque de Mār ‘Abdā." in Rika Gyselen and C Jullien eds., Rabā lʻalmīn = "Maître pour l'éternité": florilège offert à Philippe Gignoux pour son 80e anniversaire (Paris: Association pour l'Avancement des Études Iraniennes, 2011)URI:
Bones in Bags: Relics in Syriac Hagiography Jeanne-Nicole Saint-Laurent, "Bones in Bags: Relics in Syriac Hagiography." in Maria E Doerfler,, Emanuel Fiano and Kyle Richard Smith, eds., Syriac Encounters: Papers from the Sixth North American Syriac Symposium, Duke University, 26-29 June 2011, Eastern Christian Studies,vol. 20 (Leuven: Peeters, 2015)URI:
Impetuous Martyrs? The Situation of the Persian Christians in the Last Years of Yazdgard I (419–420) Lucas van Rompay, "Impetuous Martyrs? The Situation of the Persian Christians in the Last Years of Yazdgard I (419–420)." in Mathijs Lamberigts and Peter van Deun eds., Martyrium in Multidisciplinary Perspective: Memorial Louis Reekmans, Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium,vol. 117 (Leuven: University Press, 1995)URI:
Abraham bar Lipeh S. P. Brock, "Abraham bar Lipeh." in Sebastian P. Brock, Aaron M. Butts and George A. Kiraz, eds., The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, : Gorgias Press, 2011)URI:
Fiey, Jean-Maurice S. P. Brock, "Fiey, Jean-Maurice." in Sebastian P. Brock, Aaron M. Butts and George A. Kiraz, eds., The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, : Gorgias Press, 2011)URI: