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Inni alla vergine Giuseppe Ricciotti ed., Inni alla vergine (Roma: Editrice F.I.U.C., 1925)URI:
Ausgewählte Gedichte der syrischen Kirchenväter: Cyrillonas, Baläus, Isaak von Antiochien und Jakob von Sarug, zum ersten Male aus dem Syrischen übersetztAusgewählte Gedichte der syrischen Kirchenväter: Cyrillonas, Baläus, Isaak von Antiochien und Jakob von Sarug, zum ersten Male aus dem Syrischen übersetzt, trans. , Bibliothek der Kirchenväter,vol. 12 (Kempten: Kösel, 1872)URI:
Eliya I of Ṭirhan H. G. B. Teule, "Eliya I of Ṭirhan." in Sebastian P. Brock, Aaron M. Butts and George A. Kiraz, eds., The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, : Gorgias Press, 2011)URI:
Atti del Martirio di S. Agnese vergine RomanaAtti del Martirio di S. Agnese vergine Romana, trans. (Pisa, 1864)URI:
Spicilegium Romanum Angelo Mai, Spicilegium Romanum vol. 4: Patrum ecclesiasticorum Serapionis, Joh. Chrysostomi, Cyrilli Alex., Theodori Mopsuesteni, Procli, Diadochi, Sophronii, Joh. Monachi, Paulini, Claudii, Petri Damiani scripta varia. Item ex Nicetae thesauro Excerpta, Biographi sacri veteres, et Asclepiodoti militare fragmentum (Rome: Typis collegii urbani, 1840)URI:
Des Heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Sermones, IV [Translation] Edmund Beck ed., Des Heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Sermones, IV [Translation] vol. 2 , Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium,vol. 335 (Louvain: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1973)URI:
Das Leben des heiligen Symeon Stylites Hans Lietzmann, Das Leben des heiligen Symeon Stylites (Leipzig, 1908)URI:
The Life of St. Simeon Stylites: A Translation of the Syriac Text in Bedjan’s Acta Martyrum et Sanctorum, Vol. IV Frederick Lent, "The Life of St. Simeon Stylites: A Translation of the Syriac Text in Bedjan’s Acta Martyrum et Sanctorum, Vol. IV."Journal of the American Oriental Society vol. 35 (1915)URI:
New Documents on Philoxenus of Hierapolis, and on the Philoxenian Version of the Bible Alphonse Mingana, "New Documents on Philoxenus of Hierapolis, and on the Philoxenian Version of the Bible."The Expositor VIII (1920)URI:
Julian the Apostate, now translated for the first-time from the Syriac original the only known ms. in the British museum Julian, Julian the Apostate, now translated for the first-time from the Syriac original the only known ms. in the British museum (London: Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1928)URI:
L'orazione di Antipatro sulla nascita del Battista e l'orazione sull'Annunciazione: testo greco e italiano con introduzione e commento Constantino Vona, L'orazione di Antipatro sulla nascita del Battista e l'orazione sull'Annunciazione: testo greco e italiano con introduzione e commento (Libreria editrice della Pontificia Università Lateranense, 1974)URI:
The Encomium of the Martyrs: An Inedited Oration of Eusebius of Caesarea--Syriac TextNo authors or Editors "The Encomium of the Martyrs: An Inedited Oration of Eusebius of Caesarea--Syriac Text." , trans. Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Records vol. 4e Sér. 6 (1864)URI:
Ausgewählte Schriften der syrischen Kirhenväter Aphraates, Rabulas und Isaak v. NineveAusgewählte Schriften der syrischen Kirhenväter Aphraates, Rabulas und Isaak v. Nineve, trans. (Kempten: Kösel, 1874)URI:
Eliya III Shakir G. A. Kiraz, "Eliya III Shakir." in Sebastian P. Brock, Aaron M. Butts and George A. Kiraz, eds., The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, : Gorgias Press, 2011)URI:
The Legend of Abgar in Ethiopic Tradition Getatchew Haile, "The Legend of Abgar in Ethiopic Tradition."Orientalia christiana periodica vol. 55 (1989)URI:
Omelie mariologiche di S. Giacomo di Sarug Giacomo, Omelie mariologiche di S. Giacomo di Sarug (Romae: Facultas Theologica Pontificii Athenaei Lateranensis, 1953)URI:
The monks of Kublai Khan, emperor of China: or, The history of the life and travels of Rabban Sawma, envoy and plenipotentiary of the Mongol Khans to the Kings of Europe, and Markos who as Mar Yahbh-Allaha 3 became patriarch of the Nestorian Church in Asia Sawma, The monks of Kublai Khan, emperor of China: or, The history of the life and travels of Rabban Sawma, envoy and plenipotentiary of the Mongol Khans to the Kings of Europe, and Markos who as Mar Yahbh-Allaha 3 became patriarch of the Nestorian Church in Asia (Religous Tract Society, 1928)URI:
Syrische Josef-Gedichte: mit Übersetzung des Gedichts von Narsai und Proben aus Balai und Jaqob von Sarug Heinrich Näf, Syrische Josef-Gedichte: mit Übersetzung des Gedichts von Narsai und Proben aus Balai und Jaqob von Sarug (1923)URI:
La soghitha du chérubin et du larron François Graffin, "La soghitha du chérubin et du larron."L'Orient Syrien vol. 12 (1967)URI:
La version syriaque inédite des martyres de S. Pierre, S. Paul et S. Luc d’après un manuscrit du dixième siècle François Nau, "La version syriaque inédite des martyres de S. Pierre, S. Paul et S. Luc d’après un manuscrit du dixième siècle."Revue de l'Orient chrétien vol. 1 (1898)URI:
The Syriac chronicle known as that of Zachariah of Mitylene Frederick John Hamilton and E. W Brooks eds., The Syriac chronicle known as that of Zachariah of Mitylene (New York: AMS Press, 1979)URI:
An History of the twofold invention of the Cross whereon our Saviour was crucified. Translated out of an antient Aramæan biologist. Together with an account of the conversion of the Ethiopians, out of Abulpharagius's Ecclesiastical History Dudley Loftus, An History of the twofold invention of the Cross whereon our Saviour was crucified. Translated out of an antient Aramæan biologist. Together with an account of the conversion of the Ethiopians, out of Abulpharagius's Ecclesiastical History (Dublin, 1686)URI:
Mariologos sirios en la estela de s. Efren Ignacio Ortiz de Urbina, "Mariologos sirios en la estela de s. Efren."Marianum vol. 41 (1979)URI:
Historia dos martyres de Nagran: versão ethiopica Francisco Maria Esteves Pereira, Historia dos martyres de Nagran: versão ethiopica (Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 1899)URI:
Eliya (mid-6th cent) L. Van Rompay, "Eliya (mid-6th cent)." in Sebastian P. Brock, Aaron M. Butts and George A. Kiraz, eds., The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, : Gorgias Press, 2011)URI: