Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent, David A. Michelson and Ugo Zanetti, (eds.), "Mary Mother of God (text) — ܘܡܪܝܡ ܝܠܕܬ ܐܠܗܐ " in Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca Electronica last modified November 5, 2015, ܘܡܪܝܡ ܝܠܕܬ ܐܠܗܐ Maryam yāldaṯ Alāhā Marie, Mère de Dieu (texte) Mary Mother of God (text) Proclus of Constantinople — ܦܪܘܩܠܘܣ ܕܩܘܣܛܢܛܝܢܘܦܘܠܝܣ ( Proclus de Constantinople ) ܚܓܐ ܒܬܘܠܝܐ ܝܘܡܢܐ ܐܚ̈ܝ... Une fête virginale aujourd’hui mes frères… ms Damas, Patriarcat syrien orthodoxe, cod. 12/20 (olim ms Dayr az-Za‘faran, cod. parch. 11 (Dolabany)), f. 76-79 cf. CPG la cf. CPG hy cf. CPG ka cf. CPG cu cf. CPG gez 1860 5800 Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca 1860