The Thief and the Cherubim (text) - [ Syriac Not Available ]


  • Larron et chérubin (texte)1
  • The Thief and the Cherubim (text)1


Reference Numbers

Incipit (Opening Line)

ܐܥܬܪ ܡܠܬܝ ܡܢ ܡܘܗܒܬܟ ܝܠܕܐ ܟܣܝܐ ܘܐܥܝܪ ܟܢܪܝ ܠܡܡܠܠܘ ܥܠ ܦܘܪܩܢܟ. 1
Enrichis ma parole de ta grâce, Fils caché, et réveille ma cithare pour parler de ton salut. 1

Explicit (Closing Line)

ܡܫܝܚܐ ܕܐܬܐ ܘܫܝܢ ܒܕܡܗ ܪܘܡܐ ܘܥܘܡܩܐ ܫܝܢ ܥܕܬܟ ܕܒܐܪ̈ܒܥ ܦܢ̈ܝܢ ܕܡܝܬܬ ܥܠ ܐܦ̈ܝܗܿ. 1
Christ qui es venu pacifier par ton sang hauteurs et profondeurs, pacifie ton Église aux quatre coins du monde, elle pour qui tu es mort. 1

Syriac Manuscript Witnesses

ms Oxford, Bodleian Library, Syr. 135 (Poc. 404), f. 263-267v 1
ms Birmingham, Selly Oak College Library, Coll. Mingana, Syr. 408, f. 79-96 1
ms Birmingham, Selly Oak College Library, Coll. Mingana, Syr. 462, f. 193v-204 1
ms Birmingham, Selly Oak College Library, Coll. Mingana, Syr. 546, f. 52v-59 1
ms Mardin, Évêché syrien orthodoxe, cod. 138 (olim ms Dayr az-Za‘faran, cod. parch. 16 (Dolabany)) 1
ms Damas, Patriarcat syrien orthodoxe, cod. 3/15 1
ms Mardin, Évêché chaldéen orthodoxe, cod. 130 1
ms Diyarbakir, Église Mar Ya‘qub, cod. 1/3 1
ms Chicago, University Library, Oriental Institute, A 12.008 1
ms Mardin, Évêché syrien orthodoxe, cod. 131 (olim ms Dayr az-Za‘faran, cod. pap. 58 (Dolabany)) 1
ms Damas, Patriarcat syrien orthodoxe, cod. 12/13 (olim ms Dayr az-Za‘faran, cod. parch. 14 (Dolabany)) 1
ms Damas, Patriarcat syrien orthodoxe, cod. 12/14 (olim ms Dayr az-Za‘faran, cod. parch. 15 (Dolabany)) 1
ms Damas, Patriarcat syrien orthodoxe, cod. 12/15 (olim ms Dayr az-Za‘faran, cod. parch. 13 (Dolabany)) 1
ms Mardin, Évêché syrien orthodoxe, cod. 135 (olim ms Dayr az-Za‘faran, cod. pap. 62 (Dolabany)) 1
ms Jérusalem, Couvent syrien orthodoxe Saint-Marc, cod. 53, cah. 18, f. 3 - cah. 19, f. 2v 1
ms Mardin, Évêché syrien orthodoxe, cod. 163, f. 31v-35v 1
Status: draft  Is this record complete?

Works Cited

Any information without attribution has been created following the editorial guidelines.

  • 1 Ugo Zanetti and Claude Detienne, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca, entry: 1810.Link to web application Bibliographic Record.

How to Cite This Entry

Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent et al., “The Thief and the Cherubim (text)” in Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca Electronica, last modified November 5, 2015,


Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent et al., “The Thief and the Cherubim (text).” In Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca Electronica, edited by Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent and David A. Michelson. Vol. of Gateway to the Syriac Saints, edited by Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent et al.. The Syriac Reference Portal, 2015. Entry published November 5, 2015.

About this Entry

Entry Title: The Thief and the Cherubim (text)

Additional Credit:

  • Editing, proofreading, data entry and revision by Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent
  • Data architecture and encoding by David A. Michelson
  • Editing, Syriac data conversion, data entry, and reconciling by Adam P. Kane
  • Editing and Syriac data proofreading by Aram Bar Schabo
  • This document includes data from Ugo Zanetti, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca (unpublished database). Entries adapted from the work of Ugo Zanetti
  • This document includes data from Ugo Zanetti, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca (unpublished database). Entries adapted from the work of Claude Detienne

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