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Epiphanius — ܐܦܝܦܢܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ApīpānesEpiphaniusʾApīpānesÉpiphanePalestinian martyrURI:
Epiphanius of Salamis — ܐܦܝܦܐܢܝܘܣ ܕܩܘܦܪܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac SaintssaintA Guide to Syriac Authorsauthor, d. 403) Names: Epiphanius of SalamisEpiphanius of SalamisEpiphanius of SalamisEpiphanius metropolitan of Cyprus St.EpiphaniusÉpiphane de ChypreEpīpanyosEpiphanius of CyprusʾEpīpanÉpiphane de Chypre""Bp. of Salamis (Cyprus) and Greek author.""URI:
Eubulus — ܐܘܒܘܠܘܣ Names: EwbūlōsEubulusʾEwbūlōsEubule Eubulus and Hadrian are commemorated in Hadrian and Eubulus text a work surviving in at least 2 manuscripts including ms London British Library...URI:
Eucarpios — ܐܘܩܪܦܝܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: EwqarpīsEucarpiosʾEwqarpīsEucarpios Eucarpios is commemorated in Eucarpios (text) , a work surviving in at least 1 manuscript: ms Vatican, Syr. 126, f. 54v-55 .URI:
Eudoxius — ܐܒܕܘܟܣܝܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: EbdoksiyōsEudoxiusEḇdoksyōsEudoxe Eudoxius is commemorated in Romulus Eudoxius and Friends text a work surviving in at least 1 manuscript ms London British Library Add 12174...URI:
Eugenia — ܐܘܓܢܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 258) Names: ĒwgēnyāEugeniaʾĒwgēnyāEugénieSt Eugenia Eugenia was a daughter of the duke of Alexandria who converted to Christianity fled as a transvestite to become an abbot of a...URI:
Eugenius(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: EugeniusEUGÈNEIn hagiography: Eugenius and Macarius were priests and martyrs who were decapitated.URI:
Eulogius — ܐܘܠܘܓܝܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ĒwlōgysEulogiusʾĒwlōgyosEuloge Eulogius is commemorated in Eulogius (text) , a work surviving in at least 5 manuscripts including ms Lady Meux 6 .URI:
Eulogius — ܐܘܠܘܓܝܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ĒwlōgysEulogiusʾĒwlōgyosEuloge Eulogius is commemorated in Daniel and Eulogius text a work surviving in at least 1 manuscript ms Damas Patriarcat syrien orthodoxe cod 12...URI:
Eulogius and the leper — ܐܘܠܘܓ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: EwlōgEulogius and the leperEulogiusʾEwlōgEuloge et le lépreuxEULOGEEulogius was an ascetic who was a disciple of Mar Awgin . He was either a servant of a lion or of a leper.URI:
Euphemia — ܐܘܦܡܝܐ Names: EwpimīyāEuphemiaEwpimīyāEuphémie Euphemia is commemorated along with Mary in Mary and Euphemia text a work surviving in at least 3 manuscripts including ms London British...URI:
Euphemia — ܐܘܦܡܝܐ ܘܣܘܦܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Ēwpemyā w-SopiyaEuphemiaʾĒwpemyāʾEwpimīyāEuphémieEuphémie et SophieSt EuphemiaIn hagiography the widow Sophia and her daughter Euphemia quarter a Goth serving in the Roman army in Edessa The Goth forces Sophia to...URI:
Euphemia, the martyr — ܐܘܦܝܡܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, 395/396 ) Names: Euphemia the martyrEuphemiaEuphemia the martyrSt EuphemiaURI:
Euphemius — ܐܘܦܡܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: EwpemīyāEuphemiusʾEwpimīyāEuphémie Euphemius is commemorated in Euphemius text a work surviving in at least 3 manuscripts including mss London British Library Add 17134 f 45r...URI:
Euphrosyne — ܐܘܦܪܘܣܝܢܝ ܐܙܡܪܓܕܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Ewprōsīnī EzmargdōsEuphrosyneʾEwprōsīnī ʾEzmargdōsEuphrosyneSt Euphrosyne Euphrosyne was high born virgin from Alexandria . She fled marriage and became a transvestite monk with the name "Ezmargus." Her father was Paphnutius. URI:
Eupraxia — ܐܘܦܪܟܣܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: EwpraksīyāEupraxiaʾEwpraksīyāEupraxie Eupraxia is commemorated in URI:
Eupraxius — ܐܘܦܪܟܣܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: EwpraksiyāEupraxiusEupraxia with OlympiasʾEwpraḵsīyāEupraxieEUPRAXIA WITH OLYMPIASEupraxia (Ewpraksiyā) and Olympias were martyrs.URI:
Eusebius of Samosata — ܐܘܣܒܝܘܣ ܕܫܡܝܫܛ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint, d. 380) Names: Eusebius of SamosataEusebius of Samosata St.Ewsebiyōs d-shamishṭEusebiusʾEwsēbyōs da-ŠmīšāṭEusèbe de SamosateEUSÈBEEusebios of SamosataEusebius of SamosataEusebius St.Bischof Eusebios von SamosataBischof Eusebios von SamosataEusebius of SamosataBishop of Samosata, defender of Nicene orthodoxy against Arianism, and associate of the Cappadocian Fathers.URI:
Eusebius, bishop of Rome — ܐܘܣܒܝܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: EwsēbīsEusebius, bishop of RomeʾEwsēbīsEusèbe de Rome Eusebius bishop of Rome is commemorated in Eusebius Bishop of Rome text a work surviving in at least 2 manuscripts including ms London...URI:
Eusebona(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: EusebonaEUSEBONAIn hagiography: Eusebonia was a martyr with Apollonius mentioned by Rabban Saliba .URI:
Eustathius the Monk — ܐܘܣܛܬܝܘܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: EwsṭāthīyōsEustathius the MonkʾEwsṭāṯīyōsEustatheSt Eustathius Eustathius the Monk is a monk whose commemoration came into the Syriac tradition via ʿEnanishoʿ s Syriac translation of the Paradise of the...URI:
Eustathius the Reader — ܐܘܣܛܬܝܣ ܩܪܘܝܐ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: Ēwsṭāthīs QoruyoEustathius the ReaderEustathe le lecteur Eustathius the Reader is commemorated in Virgin of Caesarea of Palestine and Eustathius the Reader text a work surviving in at least 8...URI:
Eustathius, bishop of Antioch — ܐܘܣܛܬܝܣ (Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: ĒwsṭāthīsEustathius, bishop of AntiochʾĒwsṭāṯīsEustatheEustathius of Antioch Eustathius, bishop of Antioch was bishop of Antioch who fiercely opposed the Arians. URI:
Eutal(Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saintssaint) Names: EutalAwtalEutal (Awtal)EUTALIn hagiography Eutal Awtal was a disciple of Malke son of Job of Ator near Mosul He was also known as the Arab He...URI: