Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent and David A. Michelson (eds.), "Aitalaha" in last modified August 17, 2016, Aitalaha IṮĀLĀHĀ 218 male 355 Martyr In hagiography: Ithalaha was a pagan priest from Arbela who became a Christian. He was imprisoned with other Persian martyrs, and his ear was cut off. He was decapitated at Beth Lapaṭ. Saints Syriaques IṮĀLĀHĀ 218 AMS IV, 133-37 BHO 29 Šuhadā'' I, 308-11 DHGE F. Nau I, col. 1226, s.v. Aitalaha P. Peeters Passionnaire 277-84 J .M. Fiey OS 265-302 B . Burchi BS I, 646