Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent and David A. Michelson (eds.), "Anthony the Qurayshite" in last modified August 17, 2016, Anthony the Qurayshite Antoine le Qurayshite ANTOINE LE QURAYSHITE, martyr 44 male 799 Martyr In hagiography: Anthony the Qurayshite, born Ruhi, was a convert to Christianity from Islam, the nephew of Harun al-Rashid. He was martyred for refusing to return to Islam. Saints Syriaques ANTOINE LE QURAYSHITE, martyr 44 Fiey Chretiens syriaques 58 J.M. Fiey BSO I, 210-11 Arabic passion: J. Dick Le Museon 109-33 Arabic passion: S.H. Griffith Le Museon 331-74