Stephen of Ephesus (April 15, 448 - Oct. 29, 451) and the Legend of the Seven Sleepers

Preferred Citation

E. Honigmann, "Stephen of Ephesus (April 15, 448 - Oct. 29, 451) and the Legend of the Seven Sleepers." In Patristic Studies, E. Honigmann, ed., pp 123-168, Studi e testi, vol. 173 (Vatican, 1953).

Full Citation Information


Title: Stephen of Ephesus (April 15, 448 - Oct. 29, 451) and the Legend of the Seven Sleepers

Author: E. Honigmann

URI:  Link to web application Bibliographic Record.


Title: Patristic Studies

Editor: E. Honigmann

Place of Publication: Vatican

Date of Publication: 1953

Pages: 123-168


Title: Studi e testi

Zotero: 127

Volume: 173

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  • XML coded by Nathan P. Gibson
  • TEI records generated by Winona Salesky
  • Bibliography items adapted from the work of Ugo Zanetti